Page 25 of Fallen Rider

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Chapter Eight

I glancearound the common room, my heart cantering in my chest as I try and work out why Derek has summoned us all here. It’s been five days since we were put on lockdown, and I’m starting to get cabin fever. Working out has helped, but mainly because of the company in the gym. No one else seems to care or have time to get down there that early, so my uninterrupted mornings with Dane have become something I look forward to. I was surprised, therefore, not to see him there this morning. I have no idea why, but I have a feeling I’m about to find out, considering he’s standing a little behind Derek with Dax, his thick arms crossed over his chest.

“Given the severity of the situation that is going on,” Derek starts, and I take a moment to glance around the concerned faces of my friends and family, “I’ve had to make some pretty drastic decisions. It hurts me to say this, but I now realise Kingsley isn’t the safe harbour it’s always been for us.”

Slade, who is standing on his right side with Logan, grunts, and I shift my eyes towards him, surprised to see how pissed off he looks.

What crawled up his arse?

I return my attention to Derek as he speaks again, ignoring his VP.

“It wasn’t an easy decision to make, not by a long shot, but lockdown is just going to continue indefinitely at this rate and even if it doesn’t, we can’t guarantee anyone’s safety. The Reapers are resorting to some pretty underhanded methods of getting our attention, and that has me worried for everyone’s safety.” He takes a deep breath before continuing. “So, I’ve arranged a safe haven with our friends and allies, the Devil’s Dogs. Until this shit with the Reapers is sorted enough that I deem it safe for you to return, you’re all going there.”

His words take a moment to sink in. Then the noise starts as everyone tries to talk at once.

Derek wants to send us away?

I try to make sense of what everyone is saying, but the noise is too much.

Derek yells for quiet and the room falls silent after a moment.

“Believe me, I know this decision isn’t popular. I’m not keen on having my family torn from me and sent where I can’t protect them either, but you staying here just puts you more at risk of someone dying. I don’t want to be burying anyone, so my decision stands.”

“How long will we be gone for?” Beth asks, and I slide my gaze from her to Derek.

“I don’t know.”

Her hands go to her belly. “I’m not taking my baby from his or her father, Derek.”

“You have to,” Logan says quietly, and I see the shock as Beth realises her husband isn’t going to take her corner here. Pain ripples across Logan’s face. “Believe me, love, I don’t like it either, but things are so hot here right now, I worry we’ll end up burying one of you girls.”

Beth swallows hard and sinks back into her seat, her hand resting on the swell of her stomach.

“This is crazy.”

“Crazy is doing nothing and expecting good results,” Jack speaks up.

His hair is flat to his head, his usual faux hawk not styled—a symptom of current events. I’ve never seen Beth’s father without his hair perfectly styled.

“We’re planning on going hard against the Reapers. No one wants you caught up in that.”

Liv’s eyes shift to Dean as she manoeuvres Danny on her lap. This isn’t the first time she’s been sent away, but she was only pregnant then. Now, she has a baby to think about.

Dean moves to her side and speaks quietly to her. I can’t hear what he says, but Liv nods, a small smile playing across her lips at his words.

“None of us like this,” Logan adds, “but we decided it’s the only way to keep everyone safe. The decision was unanimously reached by the entire executive committee.”

Meaning there’s no room for negotiation, but I’m not exactly thrilled about this turn of events, nor am I happy they just expect us to go along with what they’ve decided. What about what we want? The last thing I want to do is be shut off for God knows how long in some random place—not that I have work to worry about anymore, but that’s hardly the point.

It’s Jamie who voices my concerns.

“What if we refuse to go?” Jamie demands.

“Then you’re no longer welcome in this clubhouse,” Derek tells her, and I feel my stomach contract painfully at the brutality of his words, especially when her face crumples for a split-second before the shutters come down, locking her emotions behind closed walls.

Jamie’s always felt like an outsider, even though her dad was a member of the Club. She didn’t grow up here, so she’s never felt like she fit with the rest of us. Derek’s words will gut her and I want to punch him in the nose for saying it.

She doesn’t say anything else, but I notice my sister reaches out and squeezes Jamie’s hand. I’m glad she does, because no matter what arsehole thing Derek says, Jamie is and will always be one of us.

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