Page 17 of Fallen Rider

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Chapter Five

On the fourthday of lockdown, I head to the Club’s gym early in the morning, intending to blow off some steam.

I have no idea what happened to Dax and Dane, but their bikes are still parked out the front, so I assume they’re still here. The thought of Dane in the clubhouse somewhere makes my skin tingle and my stomach flip-flop in a way it really shouldn’t.

This is also part of the reason I find myself craving a good workout session. I need to get him out of my head. It’s not good to keep dwelling on him and things that can’t be.

The building sits out the back, but it’s enclosed in a courtyard that can only be accessed from the main clubhouse. I haven’t used the Club’s gym since last year, when Dean was teaching Liv and the rest of the women self-defence, but I go to a place near to my flat at least three times a week—when I’m not being held hostage in the clubhouse that is.

It’s weird to think that it was over twelve months ago when I was last in this building. How much things have changed in that time. We gained Liv, Paige, Piper, Cami and now Chloe in our little circle. I can’t imagine not having these girls around, but there was a time they weren’t here. It’s weird to think of how things were before.

I cross the courtyard and put the code into the door lock before tugging it open. I expect to find someone here. There’s no part of the entire building that isn’t overrun, so I’m surprised to find the room empty and the lights off. Relief floods me at the thought of some peace and quiet.

I fumble for the switch and light floods the space. There’s some equipment scattered around the room and mats cover the floor. In the corner is a small boxing ring that the boys like to spar in.

I’m already in my workout gear, so I dump my bag with clean clothes in the changing room then head straight for the treadmill.

I ramp up the speed and set the inclination high, so I can really push myself. I need to get rid of this energy. I need to unleash myself.

I shove my headphones into my ears and start to run. After a while my top clings to my back, sweat beading on the back of my neck beneath my ponytail. I’m in my zone, my mind empty, focused only on putting one foot in front of the other, running some imaginary trail.

So, I don’t realise I’m not alone until I catch movement in my peripheral vision. My heart dances in my chest as cold plunges my stomach into icy frigidity. I nearly lose my footing on the treadmill, but manage to stay upright long enough to hit the stop button.

As the machine slows down, I maintain pace with it until it stops completely.

“I didn’t mean to scare you,” a deep voice speaks and I spin, seeing Dane standing behind me, a towel wrapped around his neck.

He’s not wearing leather and denim, but running shorts and a tee. He looks hot as hell and I’m sure I drool a little as I take in the tattoos covering his calves and the sleeves on both arms. The man is nearly forty, but he doesn’t look it.

I shake my head, indicating he didn’t and try to ignore the tingling of my skin as he pins me with his intense stare.

I unplug my headphones from my phone and quickly type a message in the text-to-speak programme. I taught him some sign language at the wedding, but it was mostly curse words and rude things that led to us sleeping together. I doubt he can have a full conversation with me.

“What are you doing here?” my phone rattles off in its staggered voice that doesn’t sound entirely real.

“I always do a workout in the morning. What about you?”

I type my message then hit the play button. “Getting rid of some energy.”

He nods, moving closer and my stomach fills with butterflies.

“I can think of a better way to get rid of that energy, baby.”

As he strides towards me, his broad shoulders filling the space too fully, my feet feel rooted to the floor. I can’t move. I should. I should flee while I can, but my heart is cantering in my chest and my legs have gone on vacation.

I’m not sure if I’m shaking my head at him or not, but when he steps into my space, I’m hit with the scent of his aftershave and the smell of something more earthy and outdoorsy that I can’t put my finger on, and all thoughts flee. He smells divine.

When he leans into me, I forget to breathe.

“It’s been so good seeing you again, Mackenzie”

I feel the heat rising in my face at his words and a rush of pleasure settles in my belly.

I quickly type a “You too.” I really mean that.

The intensity in his gaze should scare me, but it doesn’t.

“Staying away from you is an impossible task, darlin’. I’ve only got so much willpower.”

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