Page 15 of Fallen Rider

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Chapter Four

I rushdown the corridor and slam through the foyer doors, out into the open. I practically take the doors off their hinges as I slam through them and collapse against the railing that surrounds the old loading bay, my chest heaving as I gulp in huge lungfuls of oxygen. The colder air hits me and I shiver against the chill. If I’m found out here, I’ll get told off, but I need to be outside, even if it is only for a second.

Bullet dodged, for now.

What the heck is he doing here?

And how long is he staying?

I sag against the railings, my knees suddenly feeling weak.


It doesn’t look like he’s thinking about letting my discretion slip on by. I can’t decide if he looked annoyed or if his expression was hungry. A little of both, I think.

Why is he invading my sanctuary? And why in the hell am I glad to see him?

I let my eyes close, squeezing them tightly as if it can keep the world around me out, but it doesn’t.

Either way, him being here is a problem and one I’m not sure how to get around.

This is why you should never sleep with someone close to you. It always ends up being awkward when you sneak out the morning after.

I hear the door swing open behind me and I flinch.

Shit. I know who it is immediately.


His voice is pure gravel, deep and alluring. It goes right to my pussy and I want to have him now, even though I know I can’t. I know nothing can ever happen between us again.

I slowly turn to him, needing to face him. My body tingles with anticipation as I meet his heavy gaze.

“You shouldn’t be out here,”I sign to him.

He watches my hands and then his eyes come to my face. “I’m guessing you just told me to fuck off.”

I can’t help it. I laugh a little at the bluntness of his words. Maybe I should have told him that, but I can’t. The pull between us is too hard to ignore when he’s standing in front of me. The longer he’s in my space, the harder it’s becoming to pretend I’m not interested in him.

I shake my head and watch as he drops his hands to his hips.

“I think you forgot something the last time I saw you,” he huffs.

“What?”I sign the word somehow, even though my hands are shaking. Not with fear, but something else.

“You never said goodbye.”

Okay, so he is still pissed about that. Good to know.

His brow pulls into a series of lines. “Do you think I think so little of you that I’d expect you to skulk from my bed like some dirty little secret?”

Honestly, I had no idea what he thought of me, so I had no idea what his expectations were after we… you know.

“Kenz, talk to me.”

I want to make a joke about how impossible that is, but I pull out my phone and type a message on the text-to-speak app. This is a conversation we need to have with no room for things getting lost in translation.

“I didn’t know what to expect.” When my words start speaking mechanically from my phone, my heart starts racing.

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