Page 40 of Finding Atonement

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Jared nods, then lowers his mouth, so our lips are scant inches from each other. His eyes scan my face before he takes me. It’s a warm, wet and delicious kiss, one that I feel from my toes up. Our mouths move in unison, like we’re one entity, one consciousness, focused only on taking from the other. His hands slip to my waist and they’re all that steadies me as my legs wobble beneath me.

Kissing Jared could fast become my favorite pastime.

When he pulls back, he studies me again, even as I do the same.


“Very much so.”

He smiles, and it’s so rare a display of happiness that I vow I’ll make him smile every day. It lights up his entire face, softening out the lines and chasing away the demons.

“Have dinner with me tomorrow.”

I match his expression. “Really?”

“Yeah, sweetheart, really.”

“Okay. I’d love that.”

He kisses the tip of my nose. “I’ll pick you up at seven. What’s your address?”

I give it to him and he presses his mouth to mine again. “Thank you.”

Puzzled, I ask, “For what?”

“For giving me a second chance, and for not believing the worst in me.”

I lean up again and press my mouth to his, hoping the action will speak louder than my words.

“You're worth it.” And I truly mean it.

He sighs. “We'll see if that remains the case.”

I guess we will.
