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He perks up, “You think?”

“Yes, I do, Aqura, and we, my dear fellow, have arrived,” I say as the carriage slows to a stop.

We sit and wait for one of my servants to open the door. A handy little fellow called Tommus who can source almost any vice or depravity in town.

“Sir,” Tommus says as he opens the carriage door.

I rise and exit the carriage with my usual grace, “I will need you to accompany me inside. Your skills may be required.” I tell him as I stop and bow to let several ladies on the street pass me by, “Ladies.”

They giggle and immediately unleash their fans. I can smell their wanton sin.

“Come, Aqura, I have business to attend to,” I shout back as he flutters about the carriage like a mad papilion.

“I’ve lost my purse!” he calls out from inside.

I look at Tommus, who gives me a wink and tosses me Aqura’s purse.

“Don’t worry, my dear Aqura, it’ll turn up. I’ll cover your expenses until it does,” I shout to him.

Aqura stumbles out of the carriage. “You’re such a good chap, Karul. I appreciate that.”

“Tommus, make sure the driver searches the carriage for poor Aqura’s purse,” I say.

“Consider it done, sir,” Tommus replies.

“Come, Aqura, time waits for no elf,” I grab his arm, and we walk to the grand steps of the auction house.

“Driver, find that purse or I’ll have your balls!” Tommus shouts behind us.

As expected, the grand doors of the auction house open just in time for us to pass handsomely through. I look around and see that it is busy today, expected as the word is there are some fine females on offer.

One, in particular, seems to be causing the dirty little elf rumor mill to go into overdrive.

“Are you sure about this?” Aqura asks me.

“As sure as I know you will keep your mouth shut,” I tell him with a look that he understands.

“You have my word, but with your marriage but a week away, this will bring trouble, my friend,” Aqura says.

“Let’s get you a drink,” I tell him, and he smiles. A sober Aqura can sometimes be troublesome.

“Indeed, it is more than past eleven,” Aqura joyfully states.

I look around and notice that Tommus has already worked his magic as a waiter hurries toward me with a rather large tray of drinks.

“Sir, may we indulge with our very fine selection?” The rather tall human waiter asks.

“Yes,” Aqura replies, “You may.” Taking a drink in each hand.

“I’ll refrain,” I tell the waiter, “But be sure to shadow my friend. He has quite a thirst.”

“Karul,” A loud voice calls from across the room. I turn to see my contact here, Ishus. He owes me from that time I managed to unstick him from a rather sticky mess he’d got himself into.

“Good to see you again, Ishus,” I smile as ever.

“If you will follow me to the VIP, I will personally ensure you have everything you need,” Ishus says. He leads, and we all follow, including the tall human waiter still at Aqura’s side.

Ishus leads us up a small flight of rather beautiful stairs to a door with an oversized, low-born dark elf guarding it. As we approach, the elf moves to one side as Ishus leads us in.
