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And oh, is this VIP on my level, with lush sofas and naked human females serving drinks and most likely everything else. I turn to see Aqura looking like he has just arrived in paradise.

“This is why I like hanging out with you,” Aqura tells me as we settle into our little section with the best view of the auction floor.

“Enjoy. I hope you find what you seek.” Ishus says as he backs away, disappearing before our eyes.

Aqura downs another drink. He’s now in a successful state that I can manipulate.

“So, what exactly are we looking for?” Aqura says, slightly slurred.

“Perfection is what I seek, Aqura, perfection,” I tell him.

“But, my dear Karul, perfection comes in many forms, good hips, big tits, or a face that is so innocent, yet would it suck the life from your cock. It’s all relative.”

“Yes, any of those would, of course, do. All I need is a bride. Yet, why settle for diamonds when there is a chance, at a risk, of zanthenite? Hold tight, Aqura. Hold tight.” I tell him.

I feel the need for a drink, but I resist. The time for celebration will come, but it is not now. I need my wits about me.

“Welcome, welcome,” A voice calls from the stage before us. A well-dressed dark elf steps into the stage light, his teeth bright and eyes wide with delight.

“I am Fedorus, and I shall be your auctioneer and, more than that, your guide through the most beautiful human females and, of course, not forgetting the best jewels you will ever set eyes on!” Fedorus announces, much to the excitement of the audience.

“They hoot like minotaurs, or the Mother forbid, orcs,” I say.

Aqura quickly refrains from hooting and says, “Animals, the lot of them.” and takes another drink.

And so it begins, the steady stream of what I admit are some of the most beautiful boxes of delight I have ever seen. But, I must not let my judgment be ruled by the erection that has grown from this caravan of pleasure that assaults my eyes.

I remain calm as this first round of bidding begins.

“That one, Karul!” Aqura shouts at me, “Surely that one. Look at her tits, her lips, those eyes. How my other self grows stiff in their gaze.”

“Sold,” Fedorus calls out over and over. Every time, he does a little dance that annoys me yet seems to excite my fellow elves.

“Act, man, act, there will be nothing left,” Aqura tells me.

Yet, something tells me to hold tight. I scan the room and notice a few other elves that are composed and, like me, appear to be waiting, not to shoot a load too soon.

“Patience, Aqura, Orthani was not built in a day,” I tell him.

“I want to fuck them all!” Aqura cries out. He gets a cheer from the crowd below, which means nothing to me. Because I have, and I am not here for that. I am here for a doll.

“A doll,” I whisper, still needing a drink but still resisting because I am playing a game that these fools will never understand. “Deliver me a doll.”

“A what? A drink?” Aqura asks, more drunk than the last time he spoke. I look to Tommus, who stands in the corner, understanding everything. And I nod to him. He is ready.

“And now, my gentle elves, it is time to reveal, that’s if you are ready and have not cum in your breeches at the sight of those beautiful creatures that have paraded their possibilities before you,” Fedorus calls out to now a primarily drunk bunch of horny elves.

“Only those with money or dark intent are left,” I say, but Aqura is too busy asserting the rights of humans with an older dark elf on the table next. Who, quite rightly, objects.

“Silence, please!” Fedorus calls out, and a hush descends upon the room. It’s not often a jewel is revealed and put on the market. I hold my breath, for this would be the icing on their cake.

“I gave you Jasmine,” Fedorus does not shout those words. He merely speaks to them as he knows what steps onto the stage is not a jewel. It is a doll. It is the most exquisite form that I have ever seen. And it will be mine.

“By the Hedonist!” Aqura exclaims.

“Indeed,” I reply and nod to Tommus, who rushes out the door. We have work to do.

“The first bid, please, gentle elves,” Fedorous says.
