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I sit up as I know I am supposed to when they enter. One by one, they horde into my room, little baying elf servants, frightened and light to the touch for fear of damaging me, which would result in a thousand lashes painted on their backs.

“Come with me,” the head elf servant says.

“I must dress,” I tell him.

“No need, just do as you are told, like a good little doll,” he grins at me.

I climb out of bed and stand, all their eyes watching me.

“But where…” I try to ask.

“Ah-ah! Shhh, remember,” the head servant elf says, putting his finger to his lips, yet his eyes widen in threat.

So I don’t speak further, only wait until his next command.

“This way,” the head elf instructs as he walks out of the room into the corridor, and I follow with two elves on each side of me and two behind. If I chose to run now, where would I even run to?

Might they be afraid to tackle me for fear of damaging me?

I put those thoughts out of my head as we walked toward the elevator at the end of the corridor. It is large enough to accommodate us all. One of the servant elves grabs the grill gate and slams it shut. I hate this lift. I hate its screeching and jolting as if it’s in pain as it travels us downward to a floor I have never been to before.

I jump as the gate of the elevator is pulled open. I feel the warm air on my face and the smell of lavender and rose.

“This way, doll, this way,” the head servant elf says as he gently brushes past me and into the room. I follow the other elves and find myself in a large room with a pool. The walls are covered with crisp white and purple tiles, and a statue of a naked dark elf with an erection stands looming over the pool.

“Time for your special bath,” the servant dark elf announces.

The elf servants approach me and begin to remove my nightdress. I watch the head servant elf eye my naked body.

“We want her like a jewel. She auctions this afternoon,” the head servant says as he turns to leave.

The slamming of the liftgate matches the fear that jolts through me at those words. I wish I had run. I wish I had never hidden in that cardboard all those years ago.

I wish, I wish. I wish.



Ichuckle when I think about the events of several nights ago. I sent my idiot Father to bed thinking his rebellious little upstart of a son had finally seen the light and would tow the family line.

“Ha,” I bark out triumphantly, knowing this is anything but. I murmur to myself, “I won’t have those leeches riding off my coattails.”

Little does my Father know. I have no intention of following through with his marriage plans. The family can be damned as far as I am concerned. I would watch in pleasure as it fell into the sea.

I let out another chuckle, thinking of him smiling himself to sleep for the past three nights. Snoring and farting himself to dreamland, the vile creature that he is.

“What’s so funny?” Aqura asks. He’s dressed like a clown, as usual. He has no sense of style whatsoever.

“Your tunic,” I reply.

“I will have you know this magnificent tunic coat five Ipia, my man,” Aqura protests.

“They must have seen you coming, dear Aqura,” I scoff, “Or perhaps your purse.”

“You’re such a bastard, Karul, you know that,” he says as he folds his arms, leans back on the seat, and sulks.

“Come now, I only jest. I’m just jealous. It’s a marvelous tunic, surely to be the envy of every dandy elf in town,” I tell him.
