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"Ah ah, that would spoil it," Karul says, tapping my nose. "You shall find out this evening. For now, finish your gardening, and I will see you inside shortly."

He heads back in, leaving me buzzing with curiosity. I turn back to my roses, plowing through the rest of the pruning impatiently. What surprise could Karul have in store? I cannot wait to find out...

Karul takes my hand and leads me to the carved wooden doors. "Close your eyes," he instructs. I obey, buzzing with eager energy.

He positions me forward a few steps, then says softly, "All right, open them."

I blink my eyes open and immediately bring a hand to my mouth, stifling a gasp. There, standing awkwardly by the fireplace is a teenage girl bearing an uncanny resemblance to my mother.

"It can't be..." I whisper through my fingers, trembling with a sudden onslaught of emotions. I take a hesitant step forward as if pulled by some unseen force.

I stare at the teenage girl before me, tears blurring my vision. Could it really be...?

The girl shifts her feet, looking supremely uncomfortable. "Jasmine? It's me… Amara." Her voice triggers an avalanche of long-buried memories. My baby sister is now grown. Alive!

Overwhelmed, I rush forward and envelop her in a crushing embrace. Joyful sobs rack my frame. I have my family back! Karul's arms encircle us both, his quiet strength bolstering me as we cling together, reunited against all odds.

"Amara?" I rasp in disbelief. She nods, eyes welling up.

A joyful sob bursts from me as I crush her in an embrace. My baby sister is now grown! I thought she was lost forever.

I pull back to look at her, shaking my head in awe. "You were so small back then… how can you be here?" I touch her face wonderingly, almost fearing she will vanish.

Strong arms encircle us both - Karul. "I never fully gave up searching for survivors," he explains gently. "I didn't want to raise false hopes, so I kept it from you until I was certain."

Fresh tears spill down my cheeks. Karul gently brushes them away. "But then I found strong evidence she may have lived. And here she stands before you now."

I turn my face into Karul's chest, overwhelmed with gratitude and love for this man. Not only did he reunite me with a piece of my family, but he did so out of quiet devotion, shielding me from disappointment.

I cling to my husband and sister, hardly daring to believe this miracle. But their solid embrace reminds me - this is real. We three orphans have found family anew.

I pull back from the embrace to get a good look at my sister, beaming through my tears. She's blossomed into a lovely young woman, though traces of the rambunctious child I knew still show in her features.

"Oh, my sweet baby, look how you've grown!" I exclaim, clasping her face in my hands tenderly.

Amara flushes but smiles shyly. "I'm not a baby anymore," she protests weakly, leaning into my touch.

I let out an incredulous laugh. "No, indeed not. But you'll always be my little sister." My voice catches on a happy sob. "I can't believe you're really here!"

I smooth Amara's hair back, still drinking in the miracle of having my family restored. "You're so beautiful now, just like Mother."

At the mention of our mom, Amara's chin trembles. Without another word, I pull her close again, both of us crying and laughing together. The years apart melt away in this moment.

When we finally separate, I turn my watery gaze to Karul, who watches over us protectively. I mouth 'thank you', knowing I will never be able to fully express my gratitude for this precious gift. But I will spend every day trying.

After we talk late into the night, Karul suggests Amara must be weary from her long journey here. He offers to show her to the chambers prepared for her.

Amara's eyes widen with wonder when we enter the spacious, lavishly furnished room. "This is to be mine?" she asks incredulously, trailing a hand over the plush bedding.

I give Karul's hand a grateful squeeze, still amazed at his thoughtfulness. He smiles warmly at Amara's reaction.

"We want you to be comfortable here. Jasmine has missed you deeply all these years." His voice is kind but tinged with subtle sadness.

Amara turns back to us, looking confused. "But why? After so long apart… you barely know me."

My heart aches at this. I go to her and grasp her shoulders. "You are my family. My only remaining family." I tip her chin up. "That means everything to me."

Emotion swims in Amara's eyes. She embraces me fiercely. Over her shoulder, I mouth 'thank you' to Karul. Providing for my sister so generously means the world.
