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As Amara takes in the lavish room, still looking somewhat stunned, I give her shoulder a gentle, reassuring squeeze.

"This is just the beginning," I tell her kindly. "You will want for nothing here."

She glances up at me with uncertainty. I give her my most reassuring smile. "You'll have your own private tutor to further your education, instruction in any subject you wish. And..."

I watch with joy as Karul warmly welcomes Amara into her new chambers. "You'll have access to anything you want, anytime you wish," he tells her. "Your every need will be provided for here."

He gestures to the handmaiden standing nearby. "Mellifsa will be your personal handmaiden. She's around your age, so I hope you two can become dear friends."

Karul places a caring hand on Mellifsa's shoulder. "She, too, is a former freed woman adjusting to this life of luxury. I thought having a peer might ease your transition."

I smile gratefully at my husband's thoughtfulness. He has gone above and beyond to ensure Amara feels comfortable, providing her with both friendship and material comfort.

"I hope you'll find companionship and comfort in one another as you experience what wealth offers. Please rely on each other,’ he says.

Amara looks thrilled to have a new friend who shares the novelty of this luxury. They grin at each other with the bashful excitement of girls at the start of a grand adventure.

After we bid Amara goodnight, Karul draws me into his arms. "Having your sister back has made you so happy, my love. Seeing your joy fills me with light."

I gaze up at him earnestly. "It was only possible because of you, Karul. After years adrift in darkness and grief, you gave me hope again."

I caress his cheek, smiling through fresh tears. "You brought the sun back into my life. Rediscovering family and love when I was convinced they were lost forever - that is your doing."

Karul's eyes shine with emotion. He presses his forehead to mine. "We healed each other, my darling. Pulled each other from the shadows."

He kisses me tenderly. "Tomorrow is bright with promise for us all now."

I wrap my arms around him, basking in the warmth of our love. My family restored, my husband's steadfast devotion - blessings I never dared dream would come to me.

"I love you," I whisper fervently. "You are my world, my joy."

Karul's response is to capture my lips once more. No further words are needed. The future awaits, illuminated by our love. Together, we walk bathed in radiance toward all the sweet days yet to come.

Seasons come and go in a blissful haze. Amara flourishes, embracing her lessons with enthusiasm, her confidence growing each day. Karul and I delight in nurturing her curiosity and talents. She brings such joy and laughter into our lives.

Our family feels complete, yet continues expanding. One sunny morning, I surprised Karul with astonishing news - we are expecting our first child soon!

Karul is overwhelmed with emotion at the thought of being a father. He spins me around and kisses me breathlessly. I have never seen him so happy.

As my belly swells with our growing babe, Karul caters to my every need. He is impossibly tender and attentive. I have fallen deeper in love with him than I knew was possible.

Soon I am waddling around our home like a duck, rubbing my aching back. Karul thinks I have never looked more beautiful. He talks to our unborn child each night, utterly smitten already.

The months fly by in a rosy haze of family, love, and expectant bliss. The future unfolds before us brighter than we could have imagined. I have everything I never knew I needed - laughter, joy, purpose. My cup runneth over with blessings.

Some nights, I stare up at the ceiling, unable to sleep, dizzy with the enormity of this undeserved happiness. The girl who once cried herself to sleep in cold cells now awaits the arrival of her own babe surrounded by laughter and light.

My troubled past seems but a distant dream. Here, now, together, we have built a haven beyond any I could have conceived. I fall asleep each night drunk on gratitude, love, and hope swelling in my heart. This new life within me is just the beginning.



“You there!” A man calls, skin as dark as night, his sights set on a short woman beside me. “Come.”

The club is full tonight. The dark elf's desire for human females is relentless. Every night, more come to quench their thirst for flesh. Scantily clad female slaves glide around the room, their delicate bodies decorated with silk and lace. They weave between the guests as they indulge their every desire.

This is Eros, a sex club, and I am one of the lucky ones, well, as fortunate as a human slave can be. You see, I am in the favor of the King. But there is a price for that.
