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I continue, "Until you shone into my dark world like the rising sun. Your warmth and light gave me a reason to lift my eyes from the ashes of the past. With gentle patience, you taught me how to feel hope and joy again when I was convinced those gifts were forfeit."

“No worldly delicacy ever tasted as sweet to me as the first brush of your lips. No jewel could match the radiance of your eyes peering into my hidden darkness and reflecting back dazzling possibilities." Taking a ragged breath, I finish by vowing, "You are my dream made real, my guiding star - everything dull and monotone is now illuminated by your presence. My pulse beats to the rhythm of your name. My every breath sings with love for you."

I finish my heartfelt vows, my voice cracking with emotion as I pour out my love for this remarkable woman.

Jasmine has tears shining in her eyes, and she brings my hands up to gently kiss my knuckles. The tender gesture undoes me completely.

I feel my own eyes grow damp. How could I have been so blessed to have this compassionate soul choose to share her life with mine? She could have rejected me after learning the truth about our arrangement but instead embraced me with open arms. I do not deserve this gift, but I will spend forever striving to.

After a moment composing myself, I nod to Jasmine to indicate she can begin her own vows. She takes a steadying breath, squeezing my hands one more time. As she begins speaking, the love shining from her face leaves me breathless.

"Before you, I was lost..."

No matter what she says, I know it could never encompass how deeply she has healed my battered heart. But I listen raptly, focused only on her voice and her hands anchoring mine.

"I saw myself as nothing, just someone to be used and discarded. I had hardened my heart, resigning myself to a joyless existence." She continues haltingly, growing emboldened by the word. "But your kindness and warmth unlocked something in me. You saw me as a person worthy of laughter and love when I did not think that possible."

Jasmine's smile trembles through her tears. "With you, I learned I could hope and dream again. My life has meaning now beyond what I could have imagined."

Her hands tighten around mine. "You gave me back my spirit when I was convinced it was long dead. For that, I vow here today to stand by your side, as your true partner, all our days." As she finishes, emotion clogs my throat.

That this woman can still see such light in me after all she has endured is humbling. I kiss her hands, promising silently to spend my life proving worthy of her love and trust.

I cradle Jasmine's face in my palms, smiling so widely that my cheeks ache. "We did it," I whisper. "You're really mine now."

Jasmine covers my hands with hers. "And you're mine," she returns softly.

Overwhelmed with love, I pull her into a passionate kiss as our friends and family cheer raucously. This kiss marks the sealing of promises, spoken and unspoken.

When we finally pull back, Jasmine rests her forehead against mine, nose nuzzling my cheek. No more need be said - our souls understand one another perfectly at this moment.

Our shining eyes speak volumes beyond the power of speech. This sacred ceremony binds our hearts and sets our lives on an incredible new journey together from this day onward. The crowd shouts their congratulations, and flower petals drift down around us. I sweep Jasmine up into my arms without warning. "Allow me to steal you away, my wife," I murmur, unable to keep the joyful lightness out of my voice.

Jasmine drapes her arms around my neck contentedly as our friends and families wave us off amidst merry fanfare. She lets out a laugh as I carry her bridal style back down the silk banner-lined path toward the manor.

I bring her inside, up the sweeping staircase, toward the east wing where my bed chamber is located. I know she has wondered about my private rooms since first arriving here.

Now, here I stand, carrying her over the threshold. It feels like a dream to have this remarkable woman as my wife. Never did I imagine such happiness could be mine after the darkness I have known.

Yet Jasmine has made my most fanciful hopes reality. As I lay her gently onto the plush bed and gaze into her loving eyes, I think - she is worth every trial that brought us here. Hand in hand, we turn the page to a future filled with joyful promise.

"I love you," she whispers, pulling me into a kiss. Tonight marks the first step of our lives joined as one, together at last.



Ihum softly to myself as I tend the roses in the garden. Six months have passed since Karul and I wed, and I still feel as though I'm living in a blissful dream. Never have I known such happiness.

As I prune one of the bushes, I prick my thumb on a thorn. I frown slightly at the bead of blood welling up. Just then, Karul comes up behind me and takes my hand.

"You should be more careful, my love," he tuts, wiping the blood away with his handkerchief.

I smile ruefully at him. "Some things never change. I'm still my clumsy old self around these roses."

Karul chuckles and pulls me close. "Well, try not to mar that lovely skin. I have a surprise for you tonight and I need you looking radiant."

I perk up instantly, my sore thumb forgotten. "A surprise? What is it?" I ask excitedly, trying to get him to reveal more.
