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"There will be no fleeing for noble, self-sacrificing reasons anymore. We stand together now, through thick and thin." Our love burns bright and strong, a flame that will never be extinguished.

His piercing eyes meet mine, filled with an intensity that takes my breath away. The corners of his lips tug upwards into a tender smile as he speaks, his voice laced with unwavering love. "Jasmine, I love you more than words can express. You are my everything, and together, we will weather every storm and emerge even stronger."

Tears of pure joy shimmer in my eyes as he leans in for a kiss that ignites a fire within me. His arms wrap around me, holding me close as our lips move in perfect harmony.

When we finally part for air, his words echo in my mind and heart. "Nothing will ever come between us. I am yours, now and always."

A mischievous grin spreads across his face as he adds playfully, "And let's seal that promise properly." With renewed determination, he pulls me into another passionate kiss.



"Liza, I need your discretion on a most confidential matter."

I want this wedding to be everything our first hasty one was not. Jasmine deserves a true ceremony where we pledge ourselves before man and the Mother. For weeks I work in secret for weeks planning a lavish affair in the annoying human custom, hoping to surprise my beloved.

The handmaiden nods, eyes glinting knowingly as we speak in hushed tones in the east gallery. She is privy to all of her mistress's likes and habits. In the orangery, I review options for floral arrangements with the gardener. "Moonlace," I confirm decisively. "Fill the gardens with it." The head chef catches my eye across the bustling kitchen. She makes a twirling motion with one finger. I grin and nod - Jasmine's favorite sweet cream cake.

In my study, I pore over sketches of gown designs discretely sent by the royal tailor. I tap one decisively - elegantly simple, to complement Jasmine's graceful beauty.

I handpick the music for the quartet and the menu for the wedding feast. In the market, I choose delicate hair, combs and jewelry to compliment her dress. Each detail is meticulously planned.

Finally, the day arrives.

I blindfold Jasmine and lead her out to the flower-bedecked arbor. “What are you doing,” she squeaks,

“Under contractual obligation, you are to trust me, are you not?”

“Of course I trust you!”

“Then we must be off. Move that sweet rear, little lady.” I lead her out of the foyer to the garden, where the sound of cheering and the sweet harmony of human music played on authentic human instruments.

I kiss over each of her eyelids, then remove the blindfold.

Her wondering expression shifts to joyful shock as she takes it all in.

My gift to her.

The first of many.

My heart swells seeing her twirl delightedly amidst the gently drifting petals. Today I make everything right in our world. Today, we begin again.

We walk hand in hand down the flower-strewn aisle, tears shining in her eyes. "No tears now, my love," I whisper with a smile. "This is a joyous day." I can't resist giving her a grin and pinching her bottom playfully.

She yelps softly, swatting my shoulder with her bouquet while struggling to contain her smile. "Karul! Behave yourself," she scolds through a pretty blush.

I relish the blush that spreads across her cheeks and she shakes her head, eyes promising vengeance. The only sort of vengeance I would like to deal with, moving forward.

She presses closer to me as we walk, and when we reach the flower-wreathed altar and face each other, I tenderly brush a happy tear from her cheek. "You've made me the happiest man alive today," I tell her earnestly. "I don't deserve you, darling. But I intend to spend forever proving my love to you."

Jasmine's eyes shimmer with emotion. "Just having your heart is all I'll ever need," she replies softly.

"My radiant bride, my moon and stars, my princess, and love of my life… What can I say? From the moment I first saw you, my world was irrevocably changed." I confess.

Tears well up in her bottom lids, threatening to dampen her beautifully long lashes.

“Before you I was simply going through the motions, living only a half-life, my heart closed off and shrouded. But then you appeared, like the rising sun burning away the fog to reveal vivid color and light, all these dimensions I was vaguely aware of but never had experienced…" I say solemnly.
