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"No." He places a finger over my lips. "Don't apologize. Not for that." Slowly, a smile dawns across his face like the rising sun. "Oh my darling, I love you too."

My throat constricts as a sob threatens to escape. "Please, don't feel obligated to reciprocate," I manage to choke out. "I know this is sudden, but I cannot stay here and pretend any longer."

I swipe at the tears streaking my face, feeling the wetness on my fingertips. "You have shown me such kindness, given me a glimpse of a life I never dreamed possible." My voice breaks as I struggle to hold back another sob. "But I cannot be a burden or complicate things for you by remaining."

Taking a shuddering breath, I try to steady myself. "I will always treasure the memories of our time together," I say, my voice trembling with emotion. "This is goodbye, but I had to let you know how deeply you touched my heart in just this short while we've known each other." The weight of my feelings presses down on me, making it hard to breathe. But I know this is the right decision for both of us."

As I start to withdraw from his grasp, his fingers tighten around mine, and he looks at me with fierce determination, his eyes boring into mine, blazing with intensity. "What do you mean by leaving? You speak of love in one moment and then mention departure in the next…"

Karul's penetrating gaze searches my face, seeking something within me. “And then there is the matter of the contract… if by the very nature of it restraining you, you intend to leave? You understand how not a single part of this plan makes sense. Sweet, precious princess… unburden yourself. Let me help you… Why run away when you have me?”

His brow furrows, a mix of hurt and confusion etched on his features. His voice trembles with emotion as he continues, "After exposing your heart to me, how could you even think of leaving? What did we talk about? You said you would stay…"

Tears prick at the corners of my eyes, threatening to escape. My hands shake as I desperately try to wipe them away. "It's because of her, your betrothed. I overheard her threats, how she plans to use me as a pawn against you. I can't allow myself to be that weakness."

A flicker of realization dances across Karul's features, his eyes widening as he takes my hands in his own. He holds them tightly, a fierce determination burning behind his gaze. "Jasmine, please don't leave because of her empty threats," he pleads, his voice as soft and comforting as the embrace of a warm blanket. "She has no power over me or our relationship."

But I can't shake the fear that grips me, like icy fingers clutching at my heart. I shake my head adamantly, my hair rustling against my shoulders. "You just don't see it," I insist, my words laced with desperation and frustration. I punctuate each one with a pointed finger to emphasize my point. "It was in her eyes. She means to destroy your life if you don't comply."

Frustration creeps into Karul's voice now, his hand clenching into a tight fist at his side. "Curse her for distressing you so," he growls through gritted teeth. "I tell you, it was mere posturing. There is no proof of anything amiss with our marriage." But even as he speaks, doubt lingers in the air like a thick fog, threatening to consume us both.

"But if her family discovers you wed me only to get revenge-" I begin, my voice trembling with fear.

"They can discover nothing!" Karul interrupts forcefully, taking a step closer to me. "Our vows are sealed and binding. Consummated in the sight of the Gods." The fire in his eyes matches the intensity of his words, but I can't help but wonder if he truly believes them or if he is trying to convince himself as much as I do.

He gives me a roguish wink. "So fret not, my darling. That vile harpy of a woman's squawking does not ruffle me."

He still looks concerned so he adopts a theatrical manner to make me smile. "Why, Aqura and I have been cooking up a grand scheme while you've been languishing here pining for me all day, in case you wanted to know..."

I roll my eyes at the dramatics. "Oh, is that so?"

"Indeed! We know my once-family desperately craves the mithril mines that were my inheritance." He leans in close. "So we've decided to gift the mines to the King himself instead!"

I gasp. "You didn't!"

A mischievous glint danced in his eyes, causing them to sparkle with excitement. He couldn't contain his glee as he declared, "But we did it! In return for our aid, the King has promised us protection from all foes. We have successfully thwarted my treacherous relatives' wicked schemes."

An even wider grin stretched across Karul's face as he elaborated, "And not only that, but the King has bestowed upon me a new noble title and vast lands far from this place. I will finally be free from the grasp of my cursed family's legacy."

My heart swelled with joy at the news, and I couldn't help but reach out and squeeze his hands in celebration. "This is incredible! A fresh start for both of us. The weight of our past will no longer hold us down."

Karul nods, his eyes sparkling with warmth. "No longer will there be lingering shadows from our past to haunt us. Just you and I, stepping hand in hand into a radiant future."

He kisses my hand gallantly. "No one will lay a finger on us or meddle in our affairs ever again. The king's favor will see to that."

I outright giggle now, catching his playful mood. "My cunning prince, you've thought of everything. However, can I repay you for putting my mind so at ease?"

I pretend to swoon in his arms. And he taps his chin pensively. "I'm sure I can think of some ways for you to show your immense gratitude, my lady."

He lets out a roguish grin and trails a teasing line of kisses along my jaw, down my neck, and across my collarbone. I sigh contentedly, my fingers tangling in my hair.

"Did you truly believe that you could confess your love and then simply disappear into the night?" He murmurs huskily against my smooth skin.

I shiver under my touch, her body responding to my every move. "I… I thought it was the only way," she gasps out.

A soft chuckle escapes my lips as he showers me with gentle kisses, each one leaving a trail of fire along my skin. "My dear Jasmine," he whispers, his voice filled with adoration and possessiveness. "You should know by now - I never let go of what is mine."

With that declaration, his lips claim mine once more in a fierce kiss, our passion growing with each passing moment. The world around us fades into insignificance as we lose ourselves in each other, two souls intertwined in an unbreakable bond.
