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I chase the divine feeling of friction as our skin slides against each other. His hands find mine and lace our fingers together, straining to hold on as he drives himself deeper still. A harsh groan slips between his parted lips, his teeth pressing against his lower one as he leans down to suck on my neck once more. My blood rushes through my veins, setting my body on fire from the inside out.

His tongue swirls around the spot where he bites me before soothing it with his warm breath. He pulls back slightly, eyes locked with mine, filled with lust and hunger. "This feels so right," he murmurs before diving in for another kiss that leaves me dizzy with desire.

His free hand trails up my side, teasing over my ribcage and brushing across the bare smoothness of my skin.

The movements of our bodies become more frantic as we near the peak of pleasure together. Karul's hips pump harder and faster, slamming into me with a force that sends shivers down my spine.

His breathing hitches, and his teeth graze my neck as he nips at it playfully. I moan in response, pushing back against him, desperate for more of his touch.

My body tenses and tingles as the warmth begins to build in me, climbing the peak of orgasm. it seems almost as if time itself stands still for this moment between us. The scent of sweat and desire mingles in the air, heightening the sensuality of the moment.

My hands grip his arms, holding on as I raise my hips to meet his every thrust. We both pant heavily now, our chests heaving together in ragged gasps for air that tastes like each other's mouths.

"I want you," I whisper against his lips, teasing him with my own need. He growls low in his throat, forcefully sinking deeper inside me with one last push before pulling out almost all the way out and then plunging back in again with renewed vigor. His hips meet mine forcefully, driving us both toward a climax as we groan into each other's mouths.

Our chests heave up and down in unison as the pleasure overwhelms us both. He pants against my ear, his hips jerking inside me as he reaches his peak first. His warm seed spills deep inside me, filling me up completely as he groans deeply and collapses on top of me.

I wrap my legs around him tighter, holding him close as I follow him over the edge soon after. My walls squeeze around his cock in time with my orgasm, milking him for every last drop of cum. A high-pitched keening escapes from my throat as I convulse beneath him, my fingernails raking down his back lightly as I seek release.

After a moment, he rolls off of me, catching his breath. I fight the urge to stay here with him and bask in the afterglow together, but instead, I rise from the bed, my mind made up.

“Where are you going?” he asks me.

“Some fresh air, you sleep, my love.”

My eyes regard him with a sadness almost too heavy to bear.



Moonbeams dance playfully through the open balcony doors, casting a warm glow over the bed where Karul lay tangled in luxurious silken sheets. The air is thick with the intoxicating scent of night blooms and spent passion.

“What am I to you?” I wonder from the other side of the glass double doors. “A mere convenience, here for the taking? Or… perhaps something more?”

I shake my head, sighing deeply. What’s the point of wishing for something I may never have? I should simply be grateful for what I have had with him thus far.

Karul is fast asleep as I slide back into bed. I prop myself up on one elbow, my gaze fixated on Karul's chiseled features, softened by sleep. His chest rises and falls rhythmically, like a steady beat to my racing heart. There’s a long scar across his chest, and I wonder for a moment what kind of trouble he got himself into for that one…

I’m going to miss him more than anything in the world.

But I cannot keep him. I cannot.

It would be selfish. That dark elf woman meant business.

I know I should let him rest, but my love for him consumes me. I fear this may be my only chance to express the depth of my feelings.

"Karul," I whisper softly, unable to contain the words any longer. My voice trembles with emotion as if afraid to break the stillness of the night.

His eyes blink open, glittering silver in the dimness. One looks at me, and he seems to know; he shifts onto his side, taking my hand and waiting silently for me to continue.

I inhale deeply, attempting to calm the racing of my heart. "There is something I need to tell you. Something that cannot wait any longer." I take a deep breath and gather all of my courage before continuing.

"I love you." The words escape my lips like a flock of doves released into the night sky, each one representing a piece of my heart. It feels like a moonflower, slowly unfurling its delicate petals in the moonlight.

"I understand if you don't feel the same way, but I couldn't keep this inside any longer. I love you with every fiber of my being and more. I understand the futility of it all… I am, after all, just a piece of property as outlined in our contract."

His eyes widen in shock, freezing him in place. My own eyes start to well up with tears. "Please forgive me, I shouldn't have said anything-"
