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"You're in my bed," Karul murmurs against my lips, pushing me onto my back as he crawls over me. It seems he’s caught my need for our bodies to talk instead of our mouths.

"I've been waiting for you."

His eyes rake over the sheer night dress I’m wearing. My nipples are peaked and visible through the opaque fabric that clings to me in ways that keep Karul's eyes roaming over me with a hunger that matches my own.

His hands slide down, grasping the hem of my dress and pushing it up and over my hips, sliding his hands and the soft fabric across and over my breasts, leaving me naked and on display for the lust that burns in his eyes. A low rumble emits from his throat, sending a shiver of goosebumps across my body.

“Gods, this is exactly what I need right now,” he growls with an edge to his voice. “You are what I need.”

As his hands lift my body, my breasts bounce ever so slightly, catching the candlelight and casting shadows across their curves. The fabric rises up to Karul's lap, and he groans low in his throat, eyes ravenous as he takes me in--every inch of my body now exposed to him.

He leans down and latches onto one of my nipples, sucking hard while scraping his teeth gently against the sensitive skin, making me arch into him with a soft moan. His tongue darts out to swirl around the peak before soothing it with his lips again. His free hand glides over my stomach, trailing down towards the juncture between my legs.

Our mouths collide again, my tongue diving into his as my hands twist in his hair and pull him closer. His other hand brushes against my inner thigh before sliding up, teasingly dipping into my folds, his hand cool against my warmth. His touch sends a jolt of pleasure through me, causing my muscles to clench and my breath to hitch in his mouth.

“This is nice,” he confesses, gripping the fabric of my nightgown.

Slowly, he slides the dress up and over my head, barely grazing my skin, exposing the soft flesh of my stomach and freeing my breast as he drags it over my curves. My back arches off the bed in invitation, exposed and wanting more.

“Much better.”

His lips trail hot kisses down my neck and chest, stopping at each bud of my nipples with a gentle nip that has me gasping for air. He licks and suckles each one in turn until they're hard beads against his tongue, eliciting moans from deep within me.

His other hand works its way between our bodies, teasing at the dampness between my legs as he murmurs sweet nothings against my skin. I feel him smile into the crook of my neck as he finds how wet I am for him. It drives me wild; it makes me want more.

“Oh, Karul,” I say breathlessly.

I grind down on his hand, meeting his touch with desperation as he slides one finger inside me, slowly at first but then faster and harder until I cry out.

Tracing small circles around my entrance, he strokes deep inside me with a second finger, stretching me gently as he probes for my G-spot. The delicious sensation makes my toes curl, and I whimper into his mouth.

My hips buck up against him in response, seeking more contact as I feel myself slipping towards climax already. His mouth travels downwards to claim my other nipple while his fingers move in and out of me with increasing speed.

Karul's mouth kisses and nips down my neck, nipping and licking his way toward the spot where it meets my shoulder. His tongue flickers across my collarbone, then down to the dip of my breasts, circling one nipple before taking it in his mouth again.

My back arches off the bed with a mewl as I grip his hair tighter, pulling him into the kiss even deeper, feeling his hot breath on my skin. One of his hands slides up my thigh, his eyes burning a path as he nudges my other leg over, opening me up to him.

“Mmm,” he groans. “So precious. So sweet.”

My muscles quiver with anticipation as he finally exposes me completely to his hungry gaze. He groans softly against my skin, lips grazing lightly over the tender flesh of my inner thigh before moving back up to capture one of my lips once more.

Together, we moan in unison as our lips part, panting slightly as he devours my neck and shoulders, claiming them as his own. His other hand lifts mine up to his chest, where he intertwines our fingers, holding them against his heartbeat. It's racing fast, matching mine.

My heart pounds in my ears as I look up into his eyes, full of desire that swallows me whole. His teeth graze my earlobe softly while he whispers, "I want you so much." And with that, he slides his hips forward between my legs, pressing his hardness against my entrance - teasing and taunting us both.

He leans down to kiss me deeply once more, taking control of the kiss as he thrusts into me just enough to make me whimper in need. The sensation is intense; I can feel every inch of him against me.

"You're so tight," he breathes out between heavy pants.

His free hand moves down and lightly brushes over the sensitive area between my legs, causing a shiver to pass through me that makes him growl lowly before he starts stroking slowly in circles around it. I whimper in response, unable to contain myself as he continues to tease me so expertly.

The other hand slides up my thigh and kneads at the soft flesh there, teasing and taunting as he presses forward once again, pushing himself deeper inside me with each gentle thrust. The feel of him stretching me is both exquisite and painful, but I welcome it wholeheartedly. Our hips grind together in syncopated harmony, each moan echoing through the room as he takes control of the kiss.

He bites my bottom lip gently, pulling away to look down at me with hooded eyes full of lust. "You're so wet," he whispers huskily before lowering himself back onto me slowly, claiming my mouth again in a deep, drugging kiss that sends stars whirling in my head. We move together now, our bodies in one fluid motion as he fills me completely and starts to stroke in and out of me.

This connection with him, the way he's making me feel, is one of the best moments of memories I will make with him. I'm going to cherish this moment forever.

Karul's thrusts grow deeper and more intense, his hips pressing into mine with a primal rhythm that matches the craving in my core. I can feel his cock throbbing inside me, swelling to match the intensity of our passion. As he plunges into me with each stroke, I moan softly, my body arching off the mattress to meet him halfway.
