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He spreads his hands. "Of course, I would not dream of making such a monumental move without your consent. But now I stand ready to act in your best interests."

I grasp his arm gratefully. "Do it. You have my full trust." I sit back, smiling. "With you as my strategist, I fear no venomous sorceresses or their threats."

I tap my chin thoughtfully. "Gifting the mines could be seen as weakness...but it may also blind the King to certain past irregularities."

Aqura nods. "Power and riches are the only language the elven nobility understands."

I let out a derisive snort. "Too true, my friend. Wave enough gold under their noses, and past sins are forgotten."

"Exactly." Aqura refills our glasses. "Securing the throne's favor ensures no accusations can gain traction. It is the wisest course."

I swirl the wine pensively. "You make a compelling case. And I am weary of looking over my shoulder." I meet Aqura's gaze. "Very well. It seems you have a solution."

Aqura smiles. "I will draft the order of gifts immediately if you consent."

"More ink and parchment,” I signal the servant. “We have a declaration to compose."

The servant rushes off. I raise my glass to Aqura. "To finding peace and shutting the mouths of vipers."

"I will drink to that," Aqura chuckles.

Moments later, fresh supplies are arrayed on the table before us. I hand the quill to Aqura. "You have the cleverest turn of phrase, my friend. The honor should be yours."

With heads bent together, we carefully craft the document that will be my olive branch to the king. It will be the perfect bait to keep him blind to the past and win me leverage. By day's end, the mines will no longer be mine, but the future will be all the more secure.

The afternoon passes swiftly as we polish the declaration until we are fully satisfied. Aqura stretches and stands. "I will see this delivered to the royal envoy at once."

I clasp his shoulder gratefully before he takes his leave, bearing the document that will be my lifeline. The weight I've carried feels lifted, knowing Aqura acts in my best interests.

The sun sinks low outside the study windows as I tidy up the remains of our meeting. Despite the progress made, I feel a pang, remembering Jasmine's hurt expression when I dismissed her earlier.

I make my way upstairs, hoping despite the late hour, she will still be awake. I owe her an explanation and a long overdue confession. My steps quicken, imagining her reaction to my words of love.

I enter my bed chamber softly, not wishing to wake her. But there, Jasmine waits up for me, an angel in gossamer night clothes, more stunning than any vision my mind could conjure.

My breath catches at the sight of her. In the candlelight, I read the love in her eyes that mirrors my own. My future, my destiny - she waits before me. All is right in my world again.

"Karul," she purrs invitingly.

But as I draw nearer, something in her expression stops me short. Behind the sultry facade, her eyes are clouded with distraction, her smile painted on.

I sit gingerly beside her. "Jasmine, is everything all right?"

Jasmine's alluring facade crumbles. She looks aside, lower lip trembling. "It's nothing you need to worry about. I don't wish to burden you."

I cup her cheek, guiding her gaze back to mine. "No burden at all. Please, let me in."

She wavers, emotions warring on her face. But finally, she shakes her head sadly. "Not yet."

Though it pains me to see her struggling alone, I simply open my arms in acquiescence. She burrows into my embrace, and I feel the tension slowly ease from her body.

But then she lifts her head, her lips brushing mine and all thought leaves me. I want nothing more than to devour the taste of her.

Chapter 27


