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Rubbing my throbbing temples, I mentally sift through the sorceress's vague warnings, searching for any grain of truth. But my chaotic thoughts only spiral darker, like water sucked down a drain.

A firm knock interrupts my corrosive brooding. Before I can respond, Aqura enters, reading the turmoil on my face instantly. His reassurances provide momentary relief, but uncertainty continues gnawing at my composure…

“We’re doomed… completely fucked. Everything is a waste. I am a failure… just like my father said. Why didn’t I just agree to the marriage? The money… the prestige…”

“My friend, you are yet again in rare form. Calm yourself, sit down, and have a drink.”

“Oh, I assure you, drinks are not what we are lacking. Are you listening? Completely fucked. Did you see how entirely and absolutely pissed off my father and his goons were?”

“You have nothing to worry about,” he says, having a seat in the study we’ve conferred in so many times. But this time is different.

This time I am truly and perfectly fucked.

“It’s a contract marriage, is it not?” Aqura soothes me, trying his best to steady my anxious mind. “And it was done in secret, long before your father tried to sell your hand to the highest bidder.

Any way you look at it, it was an overreach on your father’s part. And how could they reliably tell if you don’t actually love your new wife? It’s all absurd. Any accusations would be baseless.”

I pace my study, running an agitated hand through my hair. “That insufferable woman and her threats have put my future plans in jeopardy… The bitch. The filthy rotten bitch, fuck me!”

“Listen to me,” Aqura pleads.

“Fuck me up and down, the low gods and the–” I continue.

Aqura steps towards me. “That is not going to happen. Listen to me. We covered our bases.”

“Covered our bases? If she exposes my original vengeful motivations for marrying Jasmine, everything I've built could come crashing down,” I say, taking another swig of this garish strong liquor that makes me feel like a damn filthy orc. “And I cannot risk losing Jasmine - not when… I just can’t lose her, understand?”

Aqura grasps my shoulder firmly. "I have investigated her thoroughly since her visit. There is nothing - no proof, no records of our arrangement, not even idle gossip among the nobility."

"But how can you be certain we did not overlook something?” I say. “If any document surfaces of my original vengeful motives..."

"It would hold no power, even if such evidence existed, which I assure you it does not."

I begin to pace, unconvinced. "But if her family discovers the marriage began as a farce..."

Aqura cuts me off. "Which would require them to have access to legal records we long ago destroyed. Your mind conjures phantoms. There is nothing for them to expose."

I halt my pacing, wrestling with my doubts before considering conceding. "Forgive me, old friend. With you vouching for our security, I should not second-guess."

Feeling reassured by Aqura's steadfast counsel, I suggest we take some refreshments. I ring for a servant, and soon a procession arrives bearing trays of food and drink.

They set places for us at the table by the mullioned window, arraying petite finger sandwiches with meticulously cut crusts, an assortment of pickled vegetables, wafer-thin slices of smoked meats, and poached salmon garnished with herbs.

A servant presents the wine selection and I choose a light summer vintage to complement the fare.

The crystal glasses are brought in with the pale, honey-hued wine, beads of condensation already forming on the surface from the chill of the cellar. Another servant appears carrying a tray of tiny rose-scented cakes dusted with powdered sugar for dessert. After a few moments of enjoying the spread, Aqura sets down his wine glass. "Now, let us discuss solutions. What assets can be used to counter this vexatious woman?"

I dab my mouth with the linen napkin, considering. "Coin, I have plenty of, but I doubt she can be bought off." I drum my fingers on the table. "No, it will take more subtle maneuvering."

Aqura nods thoughtfully. "Perhaps we ought to revisit the status of certain properties. For instance, the mithril mines to the north?" He raises a questioning eyebrow.

I catch his drift immediately. Those mines remain the crown jewel of my inheritance. "You believe gifting them to secure greater influence could shift the scales?"

"It may gain powerful allies and cast doubts upon any accusations from your enemies," Aqura suggests cannily.

I smile slowly. "Old friend, I should have known you already have machinations in motion." I lean forward eagerly. "Tell me, what grand scheme have you devised?"

Aqura's eyes take on a sly gleam. "Let us just say I have reached out to the palace on your behalf. Presenting the King certain riches can sway his favor most advantageously..."
