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What cruel fate awaits us now?

At this moment, I want nothing more than to run to Karul's side, but a nagging voice inside my head warns me of the danger it would bring. Would my mere presence put him in even greater peril?

My thoughts turn to Karul, my beloved. I pray for his protection, knowing that what I must do next would break both our hearts. I can not allow that vile temptress to use me against him.

With a heavy heart, I decide to flee from this place. I need to sever the connection between us before it’s the death of him. My star-crossed lover.

After finding my handmaid, I ask her to fetch me a bath and she curtsies in response. “Right away, my lady.”

She efficiently prepares the ornate tub and scented oils. I disrobe and step in mechanically, barely registering the heat as I sink into the fragrant water.

Liselle looks at me with concern as she gently scrubs my back. “Pardon me, my lady, but you seem quite distracted tonight.”

“It’s nothing,” I murmur reflexively. Liselle waits patiently. I sigh, amending, “Just... a bit much on my mind.”

“Anything I can assist with?”

I nearly unburden myself in a rush. But no, I cannot drag her into this. “I appreciate your care. But this is a matter I must settle myself.”

Liselle still seems worried but simply inclines her head submissively. “I understand, my lady. I only hope your troubles are swiftly resolved.”

I manage a small smile. “As do I.” She means well, but this shadow looming over me and Karul is mine to face alone.

Liselle finishes washing my hair in silence. I sink into numb contemplation, no closer to untangling the threats coiled around my heart. “That will be all for tonight,” I tell her with a tone of finality, sending her off as I soak into the tepid bathwater.

I swirl a finger through the cooling bath, leaving ripples in my wake. The servants came and went what felt like ages ago, removing the dinner trays I barely touched. Still, the study door remains firmly shut.

I sigh, chin propped glumly on one knee that pokes above the surface. I should leave this rapidly chilling bath before I catch a chill myself. But some foolish, fanciful part of me wants to wait here, like a mermaid lurking in the depths, in hopes my prince will arrive to dispel the icy claws gripping my heart.

A shiver runs down my spine as the draft fills the room, causing goosebumps to form on my skin. Enough moping in the murky dregs. With water still dripping from my body, I gingerly place my feet onto the warm bath mat.

After drying off from my cold bath, I wrap myself in a robe and make my way silently to Karul's bedroom. The manor is dark and quiet, with no signs of him emerging from his study anytime soon. A shiver runs down my spine as the draft fills the room, causing goosebumps to form on my skin.

I take my time slipping into my nightgown, lost in brooding thoughts. The elf’s threats keep replaying in my mind, each repetition making them feel more ominous. I wish I could speak plainly to Karul, but fear holds my tongue.

I pad across the room and slip beneath the silken sheets of the grand four-poster bed.

The mattress still bears the imprint of our entwined bodies from nights before. Now it envelops me in luxurious softness yet does little to ease the ache in my heart.

I stare up at the ornately carved ceiling, tears leaking from the corners of my eyes, wetting the pillowslip. Karul feels farther away right now than ever, still sequestered away behind closed doors with his urgent business.

Meanwhile, I am left here swirling in doubts and dread. That icy-eyed elf's threats echo relentlessly through my mind. I now know the bliss I've found here cannot last.

A muffled sob escapes me, and I clutch one of Karul's pillows to my chest, drawing what little comfort I can from his lingering scent. But it is a poor substitute for the warm strength of his arms.

Tonight, I shall cry myself to sleep, wishing to reclaim the joy of simply loving and being loved in return.



After the tense encounter with my jilted betrothed, I retreat to my study, craving solitude. My mind churns with doubts and unanswered questions. I know I dismissed her in front of Jasmine, but the sorceress's veiled threats continue nagging at me.

“She’s going to be a problem,” I announce to the empty room without a doubt. “I know it.”

I pour myself a glass of rich elven wine, hoping to calm my nerves. But as I swallow the dark liquid, it only amplifies my agitation. I slam the glass down in frustration.

Getting to my feet, I begin pacing, emotions boiling inside me unchecked. Jasmine knocked earlier, her concern evident even muffled through the heavy door. It tore at me to dismiss her so brusquely. But I cannot pull her into this brewing storm.
