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With a strangled noise of frustration, Fara wrenches open the door. "You will live to regret this," she hisses before storming out, sparks literally flying from her fingertips.

I blow a playful kiss after her. Perhaps I shouldn't goad her so, but her pretentiousness brings out my impish side. Now, it is time to prepare a proper countermove before she tries anything rash. This damsel's distress is just beginning.



“Ican do this,” I tell myself, trying to find some confidence as I stride down the silent hall.

The tense encounter with Karul's former betrothed leaves me with a gnawing curiosity despite his reassurances. What exactly did the elf woman say to put such a stormy look on Karul's face?

My mind races as I pace back and forth in my chambers, resisting the urge to press my ear against the study door down the hall. The muffled sounds of their conversation were so frustratingly out of reach.

As I cautiously peek into the room, I'm quickly shushed away by Karul. Frustrated, I flop onto my chaise, the sound of its fabric creaking under my weight as I try to push away the overwhelming desire to pry.

Surely, Karul will tell me everything I need to know... won't he? Even now, I can't shake off the memory of the elf woman's haughty glare.

A hesitant knock echoes down the hall. The oak slab creaks open, revealing a timid servant girl with a laundry basket. As she moves about, delicately hanging and smoothing out dresses, inspiration strikes me. "Liza," I call out, gesturing to the untouched snack platter from earlier. "Would you mind taking this tray of crackers down to the kitchen?"

Liza bobs into a curtsy, her eyes bright with deference. "Of course, my lady."

Once she leaves, I swiftly exit the room and chase after her down the servants' stairwell before it snaps closed. This hidden passageway runs directly behind the study. For once, fate seems to be on my side.

Crouched against the stone wall, I strain to listen to snippets of the discussion. Muffled voices. Raised voices. Something about the woman's family and their demands. It’s like an elusive puzzle just waiting to be put together.

Guilt gnaws at my conscience. I forcefully push it aside. My curiosity demands to know what he faces, what we face. Soon enough, the elf's strident voice rises in a crescendo of finality. My pulse quickens at the menacing tone that swells from her lips.

In a flurry, I rush back upstairs, nearly colliding with the elf woman as she emerges from the study. Her sharp, piercing gaze locks onto me and pins me in place like a butterfly on display.

"Jasmine, isn't it?" Her voice is as smooth as snakeskin yet carries an underlying sense of danger.

My heart races as I freeze under her scrutiny, unnerved that she knows my name. "Y-yes?"

The elf woman moves with an eerie grace, her steps almost otherworldly as she circles me. Her eyes seem to glow in the dim light, and her long hair flows behind her like ethereal wings.

"You care for him, don't you? It is so plainly obvious." Her voice sends chills down my spine. She drops to a chilling whisper. "But he is promised to another. If you come between us, it will mean his ruin."

I suppress a shudder at the emptiness in her gaze. What does she mean by ruin?

"I mean, girl, that unless you remove yourself from the picture, Karul will meet a rather unfortunate end.”

A wave of terror crashes over me, cold and suffocating. She knows exactly how to strike where it hurts most. Her hand brandishes my cheek in a condescending gesture.

"For his sake, I suggest you come to terms with your reality. Stay, and you risk condemning him."

Her words are like daggers piercing my heart. Karul's life hangs in the balance because of me. The thought sends my mind reeling in panic.

The elf studies my distraught expression with those dark, unfathomable eyes. "I can see that you now comprehend the gravity of the situation. His life rests solely on your decision."

"You would truly end his life?"

"Not I. Silly girl. Not I. But there are consequences. You must understand. For those who dare to cross my family, retribution shall be had.”

She smooths out her elaborate skirts, the fabric rustling softly. "It is, how you would say, just politics. The way forward is clear. Make the best choice - for the both of you."

She turns and glides away without another word, confident that she has ensnared me with her words and power. My heart clenches in fear as I realize the weight of the choice before me.

Her chilling proclamation hangs in the air like a looming storm, threatening to destroy the fragile bliss we had built together. Even hours after leaving, her words still echo in my mind, causing me to sink to the floor under their weight. Love and fear battle fiercely inside of me, tearing at my emotions.
