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"This is no joke," Fara snaps. "Marry me and restore my family's lost honor."

Anger simmers in me, but I keep my voice deadly calm. "I will not be marrying you under any circumstances."

"You forfeited any choice when you spurned our engagement with your reckless antics," Fara spits. "The human is expendable. Our houses must unite."

I slam my fist on the desk, rattling the tea set. "Watch your words about her. That 'human' is my wife."

Fara scoffs. "A contract wife only. Easily dissolved." Her smile is venomous. "My family's power far outweighs yours now after your games. Do not defy me in this."

I am perilously close to losing my composure. I whisper through gritted teeth, "Is that a threat?"

Fara shrugs delicately. "Merely a fact. For your own good, you will marry me. Refuse, and you will regret it."

I lean back in my chair, steepling my fingers as I look at Fara. "Utterly amusing," I muse.

Fara scowls. "What is?"

I give her a thin, icy smile. "This absurd scheme of yours. Did you really think you could intimidate me into marriage?"

"You will regret mocking me," Fara hisses. "My family's power-"

I cut her off with a dismissive wave of my hand. "Yes, yes, your might is unmatched, I tremble before you, et cetera."

I fix her with an imperious stare. "Let me make something clear, little girl - you are no threat to me."

Fara rears back, incensed. "How dare you! I could destroy everything you hold dear!"

I snort derisively. "Could you? By all means, go ahead and try if you wish."

I lean forward, my voice dripping with contempt. "In fact, your impudence provides a welcome distraction. I've been seeking a new passion project. Crushing you will fill that need nicely."

Fara pales slightly but sets her jaw stubbornly. "You underestimate my resolve. I will have what I desire, one way or another."

I drum my fingers on the desk. "What you desire is of no consequence to me. Now run along. I'm bored of these histrionics."

Fara fixes me with an icy stare. "You think my words are mere threats? I am simply stating facts. Defy my family at your own peril."

I meet her gaze unflinchingly. "I think you are grasping at straws trying to salvage a ruined arrangement."

"Ruined by your reckless behavior!" Fara snaps. She takes a breath, composing herself. "But I am willing to overlook this insult, as you are still a worthy suitor."

I scoff. "You flatter me."

I spread my hands placatingly. "Look, I understand your position. Powerful family, scorned bride - it's quite the dramatic tale."

Fara looks incredulous but remains silent as I continue.

"And I'll admit, I have much to recommend me - dashing, influential, absurdly wealthy." I give a nonchalant shrug. "Small wonder you're loathe to lose such a prize."

Fara's eye twitches, but she holds her tongue.

"But fret not!" I declare magnanimously. "For there are plenty of eligible bachelors who would love the honor of your hand."

I place a hand over my heart. "While our brief betrothal shall always hold a special place in my heart, alas, it was not meant to be. But chin up! Your fairy tale ending awaits out there somewhere."

I finish with an earnest smile. Fara looks torn between apoplectic fury and utter disbelief.

I make a shooing gesture. "Now go, seek your destiny! There is no need to pine after this scoundrel when better options abound. I believe in you!"
