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"I quite dare," I reply coolly, refusing to back down.

Fara's face contorts with rage, and it looks as if she may strike me. "Do not test me," she warns through clenched teeth, "you insolent wretch! You will regret this outrage."

I give a slow blink. "Will I? How troubling."

"Enough of these games!" Fara screeches. "You will consent to this union or you will suffer dearly for it."

I stifle a yawn. "Fascinating. Well then, I suppose we've reached an impasse."

I gesture languidly to the study door. "I won't be relenting. So I suggest you stop wasting both our time and see yourself out."

Fara stands rigid, quivering with anger. Her eyes promise murder.

I merely arch an eyebrow. "Very well, she-demon. If you insist on continuing this tantrum, let us have this discussion in my study.”

Fara stands rigid, quivering with anger. Her eyes promise murder.

I merely arch an eyebrow. "Very well, she-demon. If you insist on continuing this tantrum, let us have this discussion in my study."

I gesture for her to precede me out of the room. She stalks past, posture stiff with indignation. I follow at a leisurely pace.

I take a seat in my cozy study, the warmth of the fireplace dancing across my skin. I fold my hands neatly on the desk and offer Fara a polite smile. "Before we continue this riveting conversation, may I interest you in some refreshments? A warm cup of tea, perhaps?"

Fara's expression twists into confusion. "Refreshments? No, thank you. I'm fine." Her eyes dart around the room, taking in the bookshelves lining the walls and the delicate paintings adorning them. The scent of old leather and ink fills the air, creating a comfortable atmosphere.

I clap my hands. "Nonsense, I must insist. One should never neglect hospitality." I pull a cord to summon the servant.

When the tea tray arrives, I pour two cups despite Fara's protests. "There, much better," I declare, taking a slow sip.

As the servant pours the tea, there's a soft knock at the study door. Before I can respond, it creaks open and Jasmine peers in hesitantly.

"I thought I heard raised voices..." she says. Her eyes flick between me and Fara uncertainly.

I give Jasmine a reassuring smile. "Just a minor disagreement, my dear. Nothing to worry yourself over."

I subtly wave my hand, trying to convey the message for Fara to leave. The last thing I want is for her fiery temper to be directed at Jasmine.

To my relief, Jasmine gives a slight but acknowledging nod.

Fara sets down her untouched cup of tea with an impatient thud. "No more games. My patience is wearing thin."

"Games?" I feign surprise, trying not to show my irritation. "I simply thought we could have a civilized conversation over tea. After all, it wouldn't be proper for me to be a poor host." As I speak, I gesture towards the elegant teapot and cups in front of us, hoping to diffuse the tension with hospitality.

Fara grits her teeth. "This is not a social visit. Now stop wasting my time and answer me."

I take another long sip before delicately placing my cup down. "My apologies. You were saying something about secrets and threats?"

I give her my most benign, attentive look as she seethes silently across from me. If she wants to make demands, she'll have to work a lot harder than tired cliches. I have no intention of being cowed or rushed.

I set my teacup down and fold my hands expectantly. "You claim to know so much about me. So what is it you want?"

Fara's eyes harden. "You will marry me as originally intended."

“I will do no such thing.”

"Our families had an agreement. You will honor it and take me as your wife." Her tone brokers no argument.

I give a hollow laugh. "You must be joking."
