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Karul’s former betrothed. The bride he spurned in order to wed me instead.

Instantly, my previously buoyant mood plummets like a stone in my chest. Her presence can only signify trouble ahead. I notice Karul’s jaw is now tight. His easy humor has abruptly vanished.

"Wait here," he mutters tersely before striding up to speak with the woman, his manner radiating tension. I hover anxiously just inside as their conversation turns heated.

This specter from our past has returned to haunt us, threatening to shatter the delicate happiness we've found. I cannot make out the words, but the tension in Karul's frame tells me all I need to know - she is here to tear us apart.

I approach the elf woman, my demeanor cool and businesslike. "What are you doing here?"

She draws herself up haughtily. "I've come to address your reprehensible conduct regarding?—"

I cut her off. "Jasmine, go upstairs, please."

Jasmine hesitates. "No, I'm staying here."

I give her a pleading look, and she reluctantly withdraws into the manor.

Turning back to my visitor, I say in a low, even tone, "You should leave this place. Now."

The woman's eyes flash. "Not until you answer for the grave insult to my family's honor."



Fara stands rigidly in my study, her posture betraying her anger and determination. I regard her coolly, waiting for her to speak. "Fara," I say smoothly. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

She fixes me with an icy stare, her jaw set in a firm line. "Let's dispense with hollow pleasantries," she says sharply. "You know exactly why I'm here."

I cross my arms, unfazed by her hostility. "Do enlighten me," I reply calmly.

"Your little stunt," she spits out the words, "ruined my family's prospects. We demand recompense." Her tone is clipped and forceful.

I give a humorless laugh, unimpressed by her demands. "Is that right?" I ask sardonically. "And what exactly do you want from me?" The tension in the room is palpable as we face off, both unwilling to back down.

"You will marry me as originally planned." She states it as fact.

I level an impassive look at her. "That won't be happening."

Fara's eyes flash dangerously. "You don't have a choice in the matter."

"Oh, I believe I do," I reply mildly.

"If you refuse, my family will destroy you."

I rub my chin as if considering her words. "Hmm. Still no."

Fara looks outraged. "You can't dismiss me so easily. There will be consequences."

I shrug. "I really don't care. Now, if you're quite finished with these idle threats, the door is that way."

I point helpfully, gesturing towards the door that leads to freedom. She stands there, gaping at me in shock and disbelief. For once, she is rendered speechless. I bask in a moment of self-satisfaction, knowing that I have outsmarted her.

But Fara's eyes quickly shift from surprise to fury. Her entire being seems to radiate with anger and determination. "You will marry me," she demands, "to redeem my family's honor." Her words are cold and calculated, leaving no room for negotiation.

Despite her threats, I remain stoic and unyielding. "I'm afraid I won't be doing that."

"How dare you defy me?" she seethes, her voice laced with venom.
