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My face lights up. "That sounds wonderful! It's been ages since I've been out on the water."

He smiles, relieved I accepted his suggestion. "I hoped you would say yes." He presses a tender kiss to my lips. Then another. When we finally break apart, his eyes shine with affection. "I want to make up for all the time I wasted pushing you away. I don't intend to squander another moment."

I caress his cheek. "Let's leave regrets in the past where they belong. We're together now - that's all that matters." Suddenly, he springs from bed and offers me his hand, excitement crinkling his eyes. Laughing, I let him pull me up and envelop me in an exuberant embrace. His enthusiasm is contagious.

After breakfast, Karul kisses me sweetly and tells me he has a surprise planned. Before I can ask what he means, my new handmaiden, Lisel, appears and whisks me away. "Time to get you ready for your outing, my lady!" she declares with a knowing smile.

I'm ushered into the dressing room, where a warm, scented bath has been drawn. At peace at the moment, I sink blissfully into the water while Lisel scrubs my back and works fragrant oils into my hair.

Afterward, she pats me dry and sits me before the vanity. I feel like a princess. With gentle, practiced hands, she arranges my hair into an elegant updo accented by a few loose curling tendrils about my face.

Next, she helps me into my undergarments, slipping a satiny chemise over my head and lacing me snugly into a slim corset that accentuates my figure. I run appreciative hands down the cinched waist and flare of hips. "You look stunning, my lady," Lisel proclaims as she holds up an array of gowns for me to consider.

I select a pretty champagne-colored day dress with lace trim. Lisel fastens the row of pearl buttons down the back and makes minute adjustments so the dress hugs my feminine frame. She tops it off with matching slippers and a straw boater hat decorated with flowers and feathers.

When I look in the mirror, I barely recognize the elegant lady gazing back at me. The pampering has made me feel like royalty. I cannot wait to see Karul's reaction.

After my luxurious preparations are complete, Lisel sends me out to meet Karul in the foyer. He's well dressed and standing by the front window, keeping watch and at the sound of my approach, he turns, and his eyes widen appreciatively. "You look absolutely radiant," he says, crossing the foyer to take both my hands and place a kiss on my cheek.

I thank him, pleased at his reaction after Lisel's meticulous efforts. For a time, we stand gazing at each other, his thumb idly stroking my knuckles. Our time apart seems so distant now. He looks at me like the prize I always knew I was.

The moment is broken by the crunch of carriage wheels on the drive. Karul peers out the window again. "Our chariot awaits, my lady," he announces with playful formality. He offers his arm, which I accept happily.

As we set off, he holds me close, and I rest my head contentedly on his shoulder. The future stretches before us, bright and full of promise. I truly cannot remember a time I felt such sheer joy just to be alive. Today marks a new beginning for us both.

Before long, I find myself spirited away, floating on a serene lake with the man of my dreams. Under azure skies, Karul rows. I trail my fingers idly in the water, resting my feet comfortably in his lap. This newfound intimacy was worth every ounce of heartache endured.

"Jasmine, your head is in the clouds again," he chides teasingly from his place, manning the oars. "What has you smiling so dreamily over there?"

I blink, jolted out of my pleasant daydream. “Oh, nothing of importance,” I say lightly. “Just reminiscing fondly about how lovely these past days with you have been.”

Karul arches an eyebrow. “Nothing of importance? My company has been downright miraculous! Why, before me, your life was but a bleak wasteland.”

I stifle a laugh at his exaggerated grandiosity. “Naturally, how oblivious of me. Getting to bask in your radiance is truly the pinnacle of joy.”

“Precisely, you understand now,” Karul says smugly. His eyes glint with playful mischief. “However, I’d prefer your attention remain here in the present rather than meandering to days gone by.”

In one smooth motion, he transfers the oars to one hand and reaches out with the other to grasp my calf. I yelp as he drags me toward the edge of the boat. "In fact, perhaps a dip in the lake will clear that pretty little head of yours," he threatens playfully, inching me closer to the water.

"Karul, don't you dare!" I gasp through giggles, swatting ineffectually at his hand. He laughs wickedly, and just when I'm certain he'll tip me in, he relents. With a roguish wink, he tugs me back to safety. "There, now I have your full focus?" Rolling my eyes, I settle close against him once more. "Always, my sire."

As we drift across the tranquil lake, I sigh contentedly. "I'm pleased to see you so happy, my dear. It reminds me - you mentioned before how you hunger to travel and see the world beyond these lands."

My eyes light up at the thought. "Oh yes, I've dreamed my whole life of exploring new places! There is still so much of this wide world I long to discover."

"Then we shall discover it together," Karul declares. "Once things are settled here, we can plan a grand tour - mountains, coastlines, the great cities. Wherever your heart desires."

I squeeze his hand eagerly. "Truly? I want nothing more than to see it all with you by my side."

Karul lifts my hand to brush a kiss over my knuckles. "I did promise to show you the capital. But that was only to be the beginning. I will take you wherever your lovely heart wishes to go."

"As long as it is with you, anywhere would feel like paradise," I whisper.

“Together, we will create our own paradise, wherever the road may lead,” Karul vows.

Karul and I return to the mansion in high spirits after our lovely outing. For the first time in forever, the future truly feels bright.

However, as we approach the front doors, Karul teases me about my horrid rowing skills, and our laughter quickly dies on our lips. There, speaking to Tommus, is a severe-looking elven woman I recognize instantly, though I’ve never met her before.
