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She tastes sweet, like a warm breath of innocence lost, a heady mix that ignites every nerve ending in my body. My other hand sneaks down to caress the curve of her hip, tracing its way through the thin fabric of her nightdress to feel the softness beneath. The heat emanating from her core is like a beacon guiding me lower.

I kiss my way down her jawline, tasting the salty-sweet sweat left behind by a restless sleep. She shivers with anticipation as I reach for the lace hem of her nightdress, pulling it upward with tender force.

The material slides over satin-skinned thighs, revealing what lies beneath full, round hips that tremble under my touch: a mound of soft flesh nestled between them that begs for attention, pink folds glistening with desire. Her scent is intoxicating - a blend of wildflowers and feminine sweat, arousing me beyond measure.

Her breath catches as I place gentle nibbles along the insides of her thighs, working my way higher until my tongue swirls around her clit in a sensual circle.

The taste of her is inexplicable. The scent of her arousal mingles with the muskiness of our intertwined bodies. I tease her with my tongue, savoring the soft moans that fuel my need to worship her completely. Each whimper she utters is a melody to which my soul hums, each gasp a beat that drives my actions.

I dip my tongue inside her slickened sweet entrance, the taste of her engulfs my mouth, and for a moment, time stands still - the warmth of her body against my lips sends a shockwave through me, and as if by instinct I dive deeper into this newfound sensuality.

Her taste is sweet and salty, like freshly picked berries from the forest mixed with a spring rain shower. My tongue finds a slow rhythm inside of her, stroking and devouring her with a hungered fervor; she exhales sharply at the sensation, arching off the bed as if trying to get closer to me.

I lap at her folds greedily, tasting every inch of her womanhood while she pants above me in a rhythm only we two share. Her hips buck against my face as I tease and explore, one hand fisting in my hair while the other grips the sheets below us.

"Jasmine," I murmur against her, my voice barely audible over the sound of our racing hearts. Her hands find their way into my hair, urging me on, guiding me to the rhythm that she craves.

Jasmine gasps when my tongue flicks the sensitive bundle of nerves between her legs. A taste so unique and addictive, it's all I can think about. I swirl small circles into her hungrily, groaning low in my throat with each lick, sucking softly at her warm flesh.

Her hips buck against my face without thought or restraint now, urging me deeper into the warmth of her folds. The salty-sweet taste mingles with her natural flavor on my tongue as I tease and stroke her with increasing fervor. Every gasp that escapes her lips fuels my need to devour her.

She sighs deeply and moans softly, arching her back as I lavish attention on her with my mouth and tongue. It's a sound of pure bliss, like the tinkling of a wind chime in the calmest of breezes. My breath is hot against her skin as I kiss my way up her exposed flesh, each touch sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. My hand grips her thigh firmly, holding her steady for my exploration.

"Karul, please," she begs, lost in the maelstrom of desire I’ve conjured within her.

Her plea is my command, my only purpose is to bring her to the heights of ecstasy. I focus on her, attuning myself to every quiver, every breath hitch. I am unrelenting, driven by a passion that has been buried deep within me, now unleashed by her very essence.

Her eyes roll back in her head, her breath coming in ragged gasps as her fingers dig into my hair, urging me on. g.The taste of her is addictive, making my mouth water for more as I lap at her swollen folds like a starving man at a feast. The soft skin under my tongue quivers with each lick, each suckle sending shivers down her spine.

I can feel the heat emanating from her core, radiating off in waves as her hips stutter and thrust against my tongue, seeking the pressure. Her hips grind against my face without thought or restraint; she's lost to this sensation now. Her moans fill the air around us, turning into pleasured whimpers that only spur me on further. The sound of my name on her lips sends shivers down my spine; it's a symphony only we share.

I run my tongue along the sensitive nub hidden beneath her folds, circling it teasingly before flicking it gently with a deliberate slowness that drives her wild. She cries out, arching off the bed as if pulled by invisible strings attached to both of us. Her legs tremble and weaken underneath me, yet she holds on tight - desperately holding onto this.

"Jasmine," I think, feeling her body begin to tremble under my ministrations, "you are my salvation."

Her hands tighten in my hair, pulling me closer to her with both fists as she chases the buildup of her release. Her thighs shudder and clench around my face with every stroke of my tongue. I am surrounded by the scent of her and wild with a need to send her over the edge.

As she crests the wave of pleasure, and her cries fill the room, I know that I have found not just pleasure but a piece of my soul that I thought was lost forever.



My heart feels swollen near to bursting as I curl up and savor the comfort of having Karul’s brawny arms wrapped securely around me.

The icy barriers between us have finally fallen away, revealing a tender affection I feared lost. I nuzzle against his broad chest, still hardly daring to believe I have not simply dreamt it all.

“Karul,” I allow myself to murmur, gazing up at him.

For an instant after meeting my eyes, his walls seem to fly up again and I brace myself. But then his expression softens into an almost shy smile.

"Yes, my sweet?" he softly murmurs, reaching up to stroke my hair out of my face. The simple sweetness. My throat tightens. No more aloof silence or avoidance. We have broken through into open-hearted intimacy.

“Nothing,” I say back, tucking up close to him.

Karul trails his fingers idly along my arm as we lay quietly together, the light filtering in through the windows.

"Well. I was thinking..." he begins, a bit hesitant. "It's supposed to be a beautiful day. We could take a boat out on the lake if you'd like."
