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"Mark my words. His lust for that human whore is but a preview of the debasement to come!" Galan rants. "He will lead our clan to ruin and depravity!"

The other elders nod and murmur in agreement as they are led away in shackles.

I keep my expression neutral, letting his accusations roll off me. The bitter old fool knows nothing. I sought vengeance, not power.

Let them believe what they will - their reign has ended. Nothing can dampen the triumph singing through my veins as I take Jasmine's hand in mine. My once-bright future, so cruelly scarred, blazes anew.



We return to the grandiose mansion, our excitement palpable as we enter. Karul practically skips and twirls, his jubilant energy contagious.

"Glorious! Absolutely marvelous!" he crows, grinning from ear to ear. I can't help but smile at his childlike joy. "Did you see the looks on their faces? Priceless!"

Suddenly, he grabs me and pulls me into an impromptu waltz around the elegant foyer. I cling to him, my body swaying in time with his, feeling giddy and dizzy with his infectious enthusiasm.

The chandelier above us casts a warm glow, illuminating our movements like stars dancing in the night sky.

"My dearest, you were sheer perfection!" he exclaims with a hearty laugh. "The timing, the dramatic flair - we brought the entire house to its knees!"

I can feel my cheeks heat up at his effusive praise as he twirls me around the foyer in a graceful waltz. "I simply followed your and Aqura's direction," I reply modestly.

But he continues to spin me, his eyes glittering with delight. "Oh, but your performance was beyond spectacular! You shall be showered with jewels and adorned in the most exquisite gowns for this." His words fill me with a sense of pride and accomplishment as if I have truly achieved something extraordinary. In this moment, I feel like the belle of the ball, cherished and admired by all.

His infectious mood spreads like wildfire, igniting my own smile as I am swept up in his post-victory exuberance. Yet, amidst the joy and excitement, shadows of doubt linger in my mind...

"Was it truly worth all this pain and humiliation we inflicted?" I ask softly, unable to fully shake off the weight of our actions.

Karul's triumphant expression falters, replaced by a more contemplative look. His piercing gaze searches my face, seeking understanding.

"Absolutely!" he declares passionately. "The looks on their faces were priceless! Magnifique! And though you may harbor no love for my kind," he says solemnly, "know that my family brought only suffering despite their high standing." The corners of his mouth turn down with remorse for the briefest flash before he quickly regains his celebratory fervor.

I think back on the frightened faces of the children at the ceremony, now left fatherless. Did his quest for vengeance justify their anguish? I know not what to feel.

Sensing my conflict, Karul takes my hands earnestly. "I regret if innocents were harmed. But this was the only way to end my family's cruelty."

I nod slowly. I may never fully understand, but I know Karul acted to stop greater harm. I only pray some good may come of all this chaos.

As I move to excuse myself from the living room, Karul grasps Aqura's shoulder excitedly. "My friend, we have done it! Utterly annihilated them!" He laughs gleefully.

Aqura grins and clasps his hand. "A masterstroke! You have razed their crooked empire to the ground."

"All their wealth and influence, obliterated!" crows Karul. "Not even a minor title left to their disgraced name."

He sweeps a hand through the air. "Imagine my father reduced to begging coppers on the streets!"

They share a victorious chuckle. I hesitate, unsure if I should listen further.

Sensing my discomfort, Karul gestures for me to come over. "Do not worry, darling angel. Their misbegotten reign has ended for good!"

He grasps my hands, eyes alight. "You stand now on the right side of history, my sweet!"

Twirling me, he continues dramatically, "We have raged against the dying light of their corrupt rule. We have sounded the death knell of their fetid empire!"

With a grand gesture, Karul releases me and throws his arms wide. His voice rings out with passion, "Let their ruin stand as a monument to our defiant passion!

We have toppled idols and conquered convention in the name of love!" As he clasps my cheeks in his hands, his fiery eyes shine with pride and adoration. "Be proud, my darling! Ours is the glory of bold hearts who laugh in the face of fate and refuse to bow."
