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Her gaze betrays nothing but apathy. Perhaps even a hint of disdain.

After all, this marriage is nothing but a business transaction.

A means to expand her family's reach.

The priest's words instruct us to seal our doomed union with a kiss. And just as I lean in, the doors violently burst open, shattering the peaceful atmosphere.

Right on time.

Jasmine strides in, her beauty radiating like a beacon, and Aqura stands by her side, a menacing glint in his eye. The congregation erupts into hushed whispers and murmurs, shocked by this unexpected interruption that threatens to tear everything apart.

Jasmine's voice slices through the tense silence like a knife, her words ringing out with a clarity that commands attention. "Stop this at once!" she cries, her eyes blazing with determination. "This ceremony must not go on!" The priest stands frozen, his mouth agape in shock. My father rises from his seat, his face contorted in fury.

“What is the meaning of this? Guards? Seize that woman!”

But Jasmine does not back down, her chin raised defiantly as she proclaims, "Karul cannot marry this woman, for he is already my lawfully wedded husband!"

Shocked gasps and outraged whispers fill the room, adding to the chaotic energy pulsing through the air. My father's already flushed face turns a deeper shade of red as he struggles to find words.

Meanwhile, I can't help but smile adoringly at Jasmine, admiring her courage and strength in standing up for what is right. The tension in the room is palpable, like a tightly wound spring ready to release at any moment.

"This is an outrage!" roars my father. "Guards, remove this human at once!" My father's face is a twisted mask of fury, his eyes blazing with unbridled rage as he stands at the center of the tumultuous scene.

The air hums with the sound of swords being drawn, a chorus of steel unsheathed in response to my disobedience. A sense of triumph builds within me as I calmly descend from the altar and take Jasmine's hand in mine.

Our fingers intertwine, sparking electricity between us that crackles and sizzles in the charged atmosphere. We stand together, defiant against my enraged family and the disapproving gaze of society, ready to face any consequences for our forbidden love.

"It is true," I declare boldly, my voice ringing out clearly amidst the chaos. "Jasmine is not only my love but also my lawful wife." As gasps and murmurs spread throughout the crowd, I can't help but relish in my father's reaction, knowing that it is a small price to pay for freedom.

My lord Father marches toward me, eyes blazing. "What have you done, boy?"

I meet his gaze unflinchingly. "I am in love with another, and you will not dictate my love life." Turning, I press a kiss to Jasmine's hand.

The priest gathers his wits. "Guards, seize them!" he commands. "This is a grave violation of our sacred laws!"

But Aqura steps forward with incriminating documents. "It is you who have violated divine law by forcing this sham union!"

The guards falter, looking between Aqura and the priest uncertainly. Chaos reigns. My father grabs my jacket furiously. "How dare you bring such shame upon our house!"

I smirk and glance back at Jasmine. "Come now, Father. Just look at her - is she not utterly perfect?"

With a roar, he draws back his fist to strike me. But before the blow can land, royal guards swarm into the cathedral. Father gapes while the guards apprehend him.

I slide from his grasp, straightening my rumpled jacket. "Lord Aqura has provided evidence you violated divine law. You shall face judgment for this sacrilege," I say as all the pieces fall into place.

The guards round up my Father and the complicit clan elders. They are frothing with rage, spewing denials.

"Lies! It's all lies!" my Father bellows as they shackle his wrists. "My son orchestrated this treachery!"

The other elders join the chorus. "Do not be deceived! The boy conspired to shame us!" But their desperate cries fall on deaf ears. The guards pay their claims no heed as they march the disgraced nobles away.

My Father catches my eye one last time, face purple with impotent fury. "You have not seen the last of me, boy!" he snarls as he is dragged out.

I simply smile and give a small wave. At long last, after years of suffering, my vengeance is complete. I have won.

As the guards seize him, Elder Galan points a crooked finger at me. "The boy is a snake, a playboy prince!" The elder's eyes burn with hatred. "Given power, he will turn our noble lineage into a den of vile pleasures and moral decay!"

I merely arch an eyebrow in response as he continues spewing vitriol.
