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With a playful smack to my rear, I squeak and feel my cheeks flush with both embarrassment and delight at his playful affection.

Karul throws back his head and laughs, the sound echoing off the walls of our grand hall. "Drinks! We need drinks to celebrate our victory!" He taps his chin thoughtfully, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Ah yes, that exquisite vintage I discovered last spring. It must be brought out for this occasion."

With a snap of his fingers, he commands, "Bring out all the finest casks, and let us toast to our triumph all night long!"

I can't help but smile at Karul's exuberance. "Just be careful, my love. You may regret your bravado after too much revelry."

But Karul meets my caution with a devilish grin. "Nonsense! Tonight, I am invincible, a titan ruling over the world!" His voice booms through the hall, filled with joy and triumph.

Thus decided, we make our merry way to prepare the festivities, Karul already calling for the puzzled servants to fetch the wine and ready the great hall for feasting and dancing till sunrise!

“Musicians! I must have musicians!" Karul declares imperiously as we enter the great hall. "Summon every minstrel and troubadour in the city! We shall sing till the rafters shake!"

He sweeps by in a whirlwind, directing the scrambling servants hanging silken banners and garlands of flowers.

"No, no, that decoration is all wrong," Karul exclaims, gesturing wildly with his hands. "Take it down and replace it with something more festive! This is a new reign of prosperity!" I trail after him, shaking my head in amusement at his fervor.

He is like a man possessed by the spirit of celebration. "We must have dancing!" he proclaims with grandeur, pointing to the tables that need to be moved to make space. The room buzzes with excitement as people scurry to follow his orders, eagerly anticipating the festivities to come.

The air is filled with a sense of joy and anticipation, like a spark ready to ignite the night into a dazzling display of merriment.

Grasping my hands, his eyes shine with mischief and delight. "My love, you shall have a ball like no other!"

He kisses me soundly before rushing off again, shouting at the servants to hurry with the refreshments.

Soon, the wine flows freely as more and more elaborately dressed guests arrive. In the center of it all stands Karul, directing the chaos like a master conductor.

"Come, my friends!" he declares tipsily, one arm around me and the other around Aqura. "Let us drink and dance away the corruption of old! Tomorrow, we forge a new path!"

As the night wears on, the wine continues flowing freely. Karul is the life of the celebrations, laughing and dancing with utter abandon. But soon, even he cannot withstand the effects of such revelry.

His steps begin to falter as he leads yet another joyful jig. His words start slurring together incoherently.

Aqura and I exchange amused but concerned glances as Karul tries vainly to keep the festivities going.

"Come now, I think the time has come to retire," I say gently, taking Karul's arm to steady him.

He attempts to wave me off. "No, no, the night is still young!" But even as he protests, he stumbles into me.

Laughing, Aqura moves to Karul's other side, and together, we support his weight as he sags between us.

"Up to bed with you, my friend," Aqura chuckles. "You have celebrated quite heartily enough."

Together we slowly manage to practically carry the now disheveled and incoherent Karul up the stairs to his chambers. I shake my head wryly as we deposit him onto the bed.

"You, my friend, are in rare form tonight," Aqura chuckles as he arranges Karul's limp form on the bed. “Please see that no further guests see our lord in this state.”

“Of course not,” I laugh.

As Aquara confidently strides towards the door, Karul's hands suddenly dart out and grab at my top, pulling it down with a force that exposes my bare breasts. The shock and embarrassment flush my face crimson like a glass of spilled wine.

"S-sir!" I squeak, my face burning red as wine.

Aquara laughs, looking away and shutting the door as he calls, "Just keep him busy. You'll be all right."

He eagerly nuzzles his face into my chest, his rough beard brushing against my skin. I allow him to explore and play with them for a while, enjoying the sensation. Despite the slightly humiliating sensation, I can't help but enjoy it. He continues to tease and nip at my skin, sending shivers of pleasure through me.

Eventually, he lays his head in my lap with a look of pure satisfaction on his face, like a contented iypin after a hearty meal.
