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Then his mouth claims mine in a kiss that steals my breath away. I cling to him, wishing the moment would never end, that we could stay suspended in this twilight bliss.

When we finally break for air, a small voice in my head whispers - is this real?

Or is it just part of our contract?



"Dearly beloved," booms the high priest's voice, commanding the attention of all those present, "we gather today to unite these esteemed houses in prosperous matrimony."

The grand cathedral looms over me as I stand at the altar, surrounded by opulent decorations with my family sigil and crest finessed on every available surface. As my clan fills the pews, the glimmer of their finest silks and radiant jewels reflect the sunlight pouring in through the stained glass windows.

By my side stands my bride-to-be, Fara, her icy features carved like marble — a vision of perfection… her pale skin, her gleaming white dress, and aloof and tired and disinterested eyes… She’s positively frightening, the beautiful, twisted, stone-cold Fara. I almost feel for her. She is not but a casualty in my father’s war.

I reach for her hand, and she pulls it away before I can grab it.

Positively steller… the fun I would have breaking her in…

Perhaps in another life…

My heart races with excitement. My entire being is consumed by the anticipation of seeing my dear, sweet Jasmine outside with Aqura, ready to make her grand entrance at the pivotal moment. I carefully compose my expression, masking any hint of the overwhelming emotions coursing through me.

In the vast, vaulted hall, the ostentatious ceremony begins, and the haunting melody of the choir fills the air. It would be something if it weren’t all a lie… praiseworthy, perhaps. As the charade plays out before me, I can feel the weight of responsibility on my shoulders – the burden of shattering my house's lofty dreams and exposing their true nature weighs heavily.

With tears of pride in his eyes, my completely unaware father stands before me, oblivious to the impending downfall that awaits him.

Destiny has a knack for finding those who deceive others.

I ignore the droning priest, imagining instead my radiant Jasmine's face.

When she steps through those doors.

Revealing our secret. Chaos erupting.

I’ve been waiting for this moment for years and years. Dreaming for this moment. My vengeance, at last, has been realized.

I swallow an anticipatory smirk.

Just a little longer now...

"For generations, the noble lineages of Klutaro and Vassago have stood tall as pillars of our great elven society. Their bloodlines intertwined with history, each bearing a rich legacy of strength and grace." Every word i's enunciated with a weighty importance, echoing through the grand hall and filling the hearts of the guests with reverence.

I tune out the grandiose words, vengeance the only thing on my mind.

"As they come together, their collective abilities will pave the way for a prosperous future, filled with wealth and abundance." The congregation murmurs in agreement, their eyes shining with admiration and hope.

"As this couple is bound before the gods, so shall their houses be bound in fortune and victory over darkness," declares the priest. Suppressing a scoff, I inwardly roll my eyes at his pompousness.

He may think himself an important piece in our father's grand plan, but he is merely a pawn, unaware of the destruction that is about to be unleashed on this so-called "sacred" occasion.

My gaze shifts towards Fara, who stands before me in all her regal splendor. She’s perfect and broken and exquisite, a rare ornate bird, raised pure-blooded perhaps for this very moment.

Her delicate features remain oh so impassive. Porcelain features remain stoic and uninterested, her dull eyes betraying her boredom with the entire affair. She makes not a single effort to muster even the appearance of happiness…

As the priest drones on, she turns her attention to her perfectly manicured nails, examining them with indifference. I catch her eye, and she gives the subtlest of eye rolls as if to say, 'Let's just get this over with.' I think I may love her…

But I can't help but wonder if there is someone else who holds her heart or if she simply resents being forced into this arranged marriage as much as I do.
