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"Come, my dear, let us be off. We have not a moment to waste."

Still reeling from his passionate onslaught, I allow him to lead me downstairs, where the carriage awaits. As we set out on our excursion, tingles of excitement and apprehension mingle within me. I know not what the day will bring, but with Karul's strong hand clasping mine, I feel ready for any adventure.

Sitting inside the plush velvet interior of the ornate carriage, I feel as though I have stepped into a fairy tale, a princess off on an adventure. I can scarcely recognize myself now dressed in finery at Karul's side.

Karul entertains me with thrilling tales of his exploits as the carriage rumbles down the cobbled streets.

"The orc was over seven feet tall, with jagged yellow teeth bared in a snarl," he recounts. "But my sword sliced through its gut, swift as lightning!"

"Good heavens!" I gasp. "To battle one of those vile brutes alone..." I shiver, having heard stories of the atrocities orcs commit.

Karul nods gravely. "A necessary evil to protect the innocent. I could not let the monster take captive women for its savage pleasures."

I grimace, admiring Karul's bravery against such fiends. He regales me with more tales of vanquishing orcs and ruffians. Under his watch, I know I am safe from all harm. He is my dashing hero, come to life.

The carriage rolls to a stop on a bustling avenue lined with ornate stone buildings. "We have arrived in the Calarel district, the upper echelon of society," Karul announces.

I gape in awe as I take in the sights. Glimmering dress shops with gowns finer than I could ever imagine. Aristocrats and nobles strolling the streets, the ladies elegant and coiffed, the gentlemen in embroidered waistcoats. Such wealth and refinement exceed even my wildest dreams.

Karul helps me alight from the carriage and offers his arm. "Come, I will give you the grand tour."

As we walk, I feel rather plain and countrified compared to these polished socialites, but Karul keeps me close to his side in a proprietary manner. The ladies offer polite but jealous smiles, and the gentlemen respectfully nod as we pass.

At my side, he looks every inch the imposing nobleman returned from valiant exploits. I marvel at my change in station, now rubbing elbows with the elite on the arm of my very own hero.

What wondrous luck!

As we stroll down the bustling elven avenue, chatting and laughing, Karul's hand occasionally wanders discreetly beneath my skirts to caress my backside. I flush each time at his roguish boldness, though I cannot help but thrill at his ardent attention.

We pause outside a lavish stylist's shop, and Karul grins down at me. "What sort of dashing husband would I be if I did not treat my lady to some pampering?"

Before I can protest, he ushers me inside the elegant parlor. I am treated to the most divine spa treatments - my hair arranged just so, my nails buffed to a shine, and subtle cosmetics enhancing my eyes and lips.

Throughout the primping and polishing, Karul looks on approvingly, complimenting the stylists on their work. "Exquisite! You have transformed her into a vision worthy of royalty."

I blush under his praise, still hardly recognizing myself in the mirror. With Karul, I truly feel worthy of such pampering and adoration.

After leaving the salon, Karul continues parading me around the upper district; arm tucked possessively around my waist. I take in all the sights and sounds wide-eyed like a country bumpkin, marveling at the extravagant window displays.

Whenever I linger too long admiring a particular gown or bauble, Karul insists on purchasing it for me despite my flustered protests.

"Nonsense, I will not have my princess denied anything she desires," he proclaims, handing each boxed gift to his manservant trailing behind us.

I flush under his lavish generosity. "You spoil me so," I murmur, unused to such treatment.

Karul flashes his roguish grin. "I enjoy nothing more than spoiling you, my darling. Your innocent wonder is a balm to my calloused soul."

I realize most ladies of his acquaintance must be jaded by such extravagance. But everything is new and fresh to me, a luxury long denied.

Karul seems enchanted by my wide-eyed appreciation in a way otherworldly ladies likely cannot match.

As the sun begins sinking below the horizon, bathing the avenue in a golden glow, Karul draws me into an alleyway, pressing me gently against the wall.

"I have enjoyed our day together immensely," he murmurs, trailing a fingertip down my jaw.

My heart flutters like a caged bird. "As have I. It has been positively magical."

He smiles tenderly. "You are a dream come true, my dear."
