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His coarse words make my heart race, even as I feel uncertain. I search his eyes, trying to discern his true motives. Does he simply wish to use my body for pleasure and appearance? Or could there be more simmering beneath the surface?

The thought terrifies and thrills me. "But I promise I will never force you, my dear. The decision to participate will be entirely yours." I blush deeply as he continues. He leans in, his breath hot on my ear. "So what do you say? Do we have an accord?"

Do I even care if he only wants me for my body?

I cannot deny how good it felt last night, his skilled hands and mouth worshipping every inch of me. My cheeks heat at the memory of the cries of ecstasy he drew from my lips.

Perhaps I should stop overthinking this and just revel in the pleasures of the flesh he offers. Still, even as my body craves more, my heart hopes for an emotional connection I know may never come.

I feel torn, unsure which path to take.

Am I only setting myself up to be hurt?

I try to steady my breathing as unease washes over me. "I'm wary not just of the peril to my body but also my heart," I confess.

He tilts his head curiously. "How so?"

I look down, embarrassed. "I fear growing too attached when this is just a contract to you."

He lifts my chin, meeting my eyes solemnly. "Do not be troubled, my dear. We need only enjoy the moment." My doubts linger, but he distracts me by caressing my cheek. "Let us spend the day together before I depart tonight."

Heart fluttering, I ask breathlessly, "Doing what exactly?"

His eyes glint with mischief. "Well, we really must get to know each other better..." His hand trails lower down my side.

I shiver at his implication. "Must we? I mean, that seems rather… improper." I strive for nonchalance.

He grins. "Improper? My pet, we are bound in matrimony. There is nothing improper between mates."

I blush deeply as his fingers dance along my thigh. "Still, are you certain that is wise?"

"I never claimed to be wise, darling. Merely insatiable for you." His lips graze my neck, his warm breath quickening my pulse.

His boldness leaves me dizzy with longing. I know I should resist, but cannot form the words as his mouth claims mine.

Karul retrieves the contract and makes the promised amendment, the ink still glistening as he pushes it toward me. "Just sign here, my dear."

I hesitate only a moment before scrawling my name. As soon as I set the quill down, Karul grasps me and crushes his mouth to mine in a blistering kiss.

Before I can react, he breaks away and grasps my breasts firmly through the thin chemise. I gasp at his boldness.

"Exquisite," he murmurs, massaging them as my nipples stiffen. "I was a fool to deny myself this bounty for so long."

I flush under his ardent gaze, unsure how to respond. He smiles devilishly.

"Do not be ashamed, my sweet. Your lovely body was made to be worshipped."

To emphasize his point, he lifts the hem of my chemise, baring my breasts fully before lowering his mouth to lavish them with his tongue.

I cling to him, dizzy with sensation. My doubts fade away as he validates my femininity and my choice with each reverent caress. I know I have made the right decision.

After several minutes of amorous attention, Karul finally releases me and strides to the door, calling for Tommus.

I hastily tug my chemise back in place, cheeks flaming. Karul turns back with a roguish wink.

"Have the carriage prepared at once," he orders Tommus. "I am taking my lovely wife out on the town today."

Tommus bows and scurries off to fulfill the command. Karul walks back and grasps my hand, bestowing a grin that makes my knees weak.
