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But it's not enough.

I back her against the rocky edge of the lake, bending her over and driving her against the wall.

The beast inside me has awoken.

Relentlessly, I pound into her.

Taking what is mine.

Claiming her body.

My property.

As I surrender to the primal desire coursing through me, my vision blurs and all I can perceive is the intense, white-hot eruption of pleasure emanating from my core.

Every thrust plunges me deeper into her eager, tight warmth until, at last, I release a torrent of ecstasy within her. My body pumps uncontrollably as orgasmic waves crash over me, cascading with such intensity that it feels as if my very essence is escaping through my being.

Wave after wave of scorching heat erupts from within me, surging forth like molten lava, saturating her until she brims with the intensity of my release. My pulsating member convulses uncontrollably, releasing rapid bursts of ecstasy that reverberate through the air, creating a symphony of pleasure.

Every inch of my being is emptied, drained of all energy and breath, leaving me gasping for air. And at this moment, a rare and profound sensation washes over me - a deep and unparalleled satisfaction that I have never before experienced.



Iawake slowly, stretching beneath the cool silk sheets. Sunlight streams in through the arched windows of Karul's lavish chambers.

“Oh, gods,” I breathe in disbelief. “What have we done?”

Memories of last night flood my mind--passionate kisses in the moonlit lake, clothes shed eagerly on the shore, the feeling of his body against mine in the water...

My cheeks flush hotly. We broke the contract again with our frenzied passion in the lake. What will happen now? Anxiety churns within me.

The bedroom door opens, and Karul strides in carrying a breakfast tray, a cocky smile on his face. His eyes meet mine as he sets the coffee and food down.

"What's going to happen now?" I ask hurriedly, clutching the sheets over my bare chest. "The contract..."

Karul waves a dismissive hand. "Why don't we change the contract, my dear?" He prowls closer, desire and want in his gaze. "We both want each other. Isn't it better to convince others we're besotted newlyweds?"

His words make a longing spike within me, but I bite my lip uncertainly.

Sensing my hesitation, Karul sits on the bed, taking my hands. "I'll alter the terms to include intimacy. But I won't force you - the choice will be yours."

I search his eyes, feeling uneasy and wary of the danger to my vulnerable heart. But I cannot deny my body's demands.

Seemingly satisfied by my unspoken assent, Karul pulls me close, kissing me deeply. Drawing back, he murmurs, "I must return home tonight. We should spend today getting closer."

His heated tone leaves no doubt as to his intentions. I shiver - with anticipation or foreboding, I cannot tell.

"This is to our advantage," he says with a roguish smile, his eyes raking over me. "Why not continue? We both want each other desperately. Would it not be better to convince others we are insatiable newlyweds?"

He leans in close, his breath hot on my neck. "We should fuck each other's brains out. Is that not what passionate mates are supposed to do?"

“I don’t know… I’m not really like that,” I lie. Already, I feel changed.

Already, I crave him, wanting to feel his insatiable length once more stir my insides.

“Yet your body says otherwise…” he says, leaning over the bed and pulling the soft satin blankets away from my nude body. “We change the terms to include all the dirty, nasty, steamy sex we want.”
