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My favorite game…

She’s an unintelligible mess now. Her brain is single-minded. She would do anything I asked of her for the chance to let the flood swell. The only thing she can think about is releasing. Degraded to moans. Squeals. Desperate pleading. Little feet kick desperately as I hold her in place. In total control. just when she can no longer take another moment of the delicious torment I allowed her to release.

She screams my name as she shudders and convulses beneath me, waves of pleasure coursing through her entire being. I watch with satisfaction as she comes down from her high, a look of bewildered bliss on her face.

“Only a fraction of my power… my sweet, precious little human toy.”

But I'm not done with her yet.

With a wicked smile, I pull her against my hips. Her eyes widen as she feels my erection pressing against her silky little slit. A low, primal growl rumbles from deep within me, my voice rough and raw.

With a fierce sense of urgency, she impaled herself onto me, her body instantly tensing at the sensation of being stretched and filled. Her face twisted. A dance of pain and pleasure. I ravage her delicate flower. Molding around me and taking her slick warmth.

With a breathless cry, she moves her hips in a frenzied rhythm, the pale moonlight casting ethereal shadows over our entwined bodies as we lose ourselves in an intense and primal dance. We float partially weightless while I penetrate her soft narrow passage, her small breasts eagerly bouncing, trying her best to be the perfect little pleasure doll fuck slave for me.

In response, I growl, hugging her closer into my body. Pleasure takes hold. My lower inhibitions. This fuck meat.

This glorious, perfect piece of delectable fuckmeat. I want to bruise her insides. To breed my seed deep into her fertile womb.

I deliberately slow my movements, savoring her insides. Reveling in the way she clings to me. The needy little bitch. Her body is selfish. Responding eagerly to my touch. I can feel her melting from the inside. Her moans and squeals are frantic, each one driving me deeper into a state of pure ecstasy. All this power over this breakable little human.

Her eyes rolled back in pleasure, her insides gripping and milking my fat-pounding cock with a hunger that matched my own.

As we continue our dance in the water, her body arches towards mine, seeking more and more of me.

More validation.

More pounding.

More pleasure.

"Sir! It feels so good!" she beams, something awakening deep within her. Her tongue lulls out, her expression reading one of an eager, greedy fuck pet bouncing happily on her owner.

Degrading this precious little angel pushes me closer and closer. My own need builds as I watch the transformation in awe.

My hands roam freely over her curves, gripping and squeezing as I drive into her with all of my strength. But just as I'm about to reach my peak, she suddenly stills and holds onto me tightly, a look of fear flashing across her face.

"What's wrong?" I ask, my voice filled with concern.

"I-I don't want this to end," she says softly, tears welling up in her eyes.

I tilt her chin up so that she's looking directly at me. "It doesn't have to end," I say reassuringly. "We can stay like this for as long as I want, my sweet little pet. Would you like that?"

She nods happily, biting and sucking on my lip needily.

She’s perfect.

A relieved smile spreads upon her visage as she nods and starts moving again, this time with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. And with that, we both give in to our primal urges once again.

Frantic. Desperate. We chase release.

Inhibitions disappear like fading shadows as we become nothing but vessels for pleasure. Nothing else exists at this moment, consumed by sensations and the desire between us. Suddenly, she announces with a half-surprised gasp, "I’m coming!" She kisses me desperately, moaning into my mouth. Heart hammering into my chest.

And I allow it.

The poor thing earned it.

With a firm grip on her swaying hips, I hammer into her and feel a surge of warmth envelop my thrusting cock, a burst of heat in the water's coolness.
