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"So now I'm attracted to you?" he teases, putting an arm around me. I can feel his muscles, his body radiating an intense heat, a raw desire that threatens to consume me. The surrounding air seems to sizzle, my skin prickling in response.

As he leans in closer, I feel my lips tingle with anticipation. Without hesitation, I part them for him, tilting my head to the side to grant his tongue inside my mouth.

The taste of mint and something sweet, like ripe berries, explodes on my tongue. Every nerve ending is on fire with pleasure. I am flooded with a burst of intense sensation. I can feel him smirk against my lips at my visceral response… but I don’t care… I need more.

His bulging need presses against me, his tongue invading my mouth. My body responds instinctively, pressing closer to him as our tongues continue their intricate dance. His hands roam over every inch of my body, eliciting a moan from deep within me.

A sense of urgency overtakes us as we both know that this moment is fleeting. We shouldn't be doing this, but we can't seem to stop ourselves. Our bodies fit perfectly together, like two pieces of a puzzle meant to be joined.

And I eagerly succumb.



Istare at my prize, my doll.

I can do anything to her.

So vulnerable… so delicate. A sweet and perfect little plaything.


The moon shimmers above, casting a dangerous glow over bare flesh. We float on the water's surface. Longing fills her gaze, her body trembling with anticipation.

Exploring her physique with my hands, my tongue trailing down her neck and collarbone. She moans softly as I bite, driving her wild with desire.

But I want to give her more. I want to make her feel pleasure like she's never felt before, so with a devilish grin, I float her on her back, the cool water lapping against her skin, cradling her small human body from behind, my arms easily reaching between her legs as I swim her around under the celestial heavens, my calloused hands finessing her soft, innocent little cunt.

Well-practiced fingers meet a complete and utter lack of resistance. Gasping and arching, she appears amazed by my powers, all at once realizing what she’s in for, her fatal mistake, and the degree to which she underestimated me.

It really takes nothing at all before she's on the verge of climax. “Oh, Karul... Yes, right there. Keep going.”

“Oh really? Is that where you like it?” I tease.

“Yes, yes, yes! More, please! I need it!”

“You’re so gorgeous when you beg…” I stop touching her. This sweet, precious flower… I leave her on the edge. Just for fun. Just because I can…

“Y-you jerk!”

“Why yes… yes, that’s exactly what I am. And by law… who do you belong to? Care to enlighten me?”

“I… Uh…”

I remove my fingers and press my hot mouth against her ear. “What was that?”

“I’m your property!”

“Good girl… and I was beginning to think all humans were worthless.”

This is going to be fun…

She squirms and lets out soft moans, her body yearning for release but unable to obtain it without my consent. Without my blessing. I want her to beg for it. Pray for it. Control her entire being and state of mind. To become her religion.

I kiss her deeply, tasting the desire on her lips. And then, without warning, I plunge my fingers deep inside her. She moans in gratitude. In agony. Her hips splash against the glassy and previously undisturbed surface. She wraps her legs around me, crying out in surprise and pleasure. I make it a point to keep bringing her pleasure until she’s ready to burst.

“I’m going to make you my little brain-broken breeding bitch… would you like that?”
