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He swims closer, his voice softening. "I had assumed you were trying to escape."

My heart skips a beat at the mention of escape, and I freeze in the water. "Where would I even go?"

He regards me with a sympathetic expression. "Anywhere but here, I suppose." The thought of leaving this tranquil cage fills me with both longing and dread.

A shiver runs down my spine, escaping my lips in a soft gasp.

"Are you cold?" he asks, noticing my reaction.

"N-no," I stammer, trying to hide my trembling lips.

A playful, mischievous grin dances on his lips before he speaks. "I can offer you some warmth," he says, his words an offer of comfort and intimacy and everything I want.

My heart races at the thought of being so close to him.

But it's forbidden.

"What would you do... to me?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper as I move my arm away from my chest, allowing him a better view.

His eyebrow raises in surprise, creating a crease in his forehead that adds to his already intimidating presence. A smirk slowly spreads across his lips, revealing a hint of danger and excitement. "What would I do to you?" he repeats, his voice dropping to a low, seductive murmur.

My heart races as I imagine the possibilities. "Oh sweet, precious darling, I can think of so many delicious things..."

His eyes glint with desire as he seemingly recounts all the ways in which to torment me, each one more tantalizing than the last. The thought of succumbing to his desires sends shivers down my spine and ignites a fire within me.

My teeth sink into my bottom lip, the nervousness twisting in my gut as I debate whether to follow him down this alluring path. His gaze holds mine with an intensity that makes my heart race and my skin tingle.

As we stand alone in the hushed tranquility of the night, it's as if there are no barriers between us. The air crackles with unspoken tension, igniting a primal urge within me. Nothing can hold us back now from what we both desire.

He closes the distance between us. His warm body pressed intimately against mine. Leaning down, he brings his lips to my ear and whispers seductively, "I could trace every inch of your skin with my kisses..."

A shiver runs down my spine as I feel his hot breath ghost over my neck, sending a rush of heat through my body.

A flutter of nerves dances within my chest as his fingers glide down my arms, leaving a trail of electric tingles in their wake. His hand gently cups my face, guiding me closer to him with a tender touch.

Our lips meet in a soft yet fiery kiss that ignites a spark deep within me. My body responds instinctively, pressing against him as our tongues intertwine in an intricate dance. The sensation is intoxicating, like being swept away in a whirlwind of emotion and desire.

My arms instinctively wrap around his neck, pulling him closer as our bodies pressed tightly against each other. At this moment, nothing else exists but the warmth of his skin and the intoxicating scent that lingers between us.

But just as quickly as I am lost in the passion, a wave of guilt washes over me, bringing me back to reality. This is wrong. We shouldn't be doing this. He's forbidden to me, like a beautifully ripe fruit that I know I can never taste without consequences.

My heart races with conflicting desires, torn between the rush of pleasure and the weight of morality as much as my body begs for more.

The realization alone makes it all the more sweeter.

All the more tantalizing.

"This isn’t right," I say firmly, trying to control the tremble in my voice, yet I find my body moving closer to his.

"Why not?"

"I’m supposed to hate you,” I tell him.

“Oh, please do, I insist,” He replies.

His teasing words send a surge of electricity through my body as he wraps his strong arm around me. The heat emanating from his muscular frame is almost overwhelming, a primal desire that tempts and taunts me.

The air around us crackles with an electric energy, and I can feel my skin tingling in response. As he leans in closer, the scent of his cologne fills my nostrils and sets my heart racing. Our lips meet in a fiery collision, my mouth eagerly parting to welcome his tongue inside. My body responds without hesitation, tilting my head to deepen the passionate kiss between us.
