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I let out a deep sigh, a mix of exasperation and surrender, as I step from the cloak of darkness into the open. The silver glow of the moon shines on me, alabaster hair reflecting its pallid sheen. My scar itches on my neck, a stark reminder of past battles and narrow escapes. For a moment, neither of us moves, captured within the still frame of uncertainty and raw emotion.

"Karul," she breathes out my name like a talisman against the shadows. Her chest rises and falls matching my own labored breathing, the chemistry between us creating a pull that only we can feel.

"Jasmine," I reply, my voice softer than I intended. It's all I can do to keep the tremor from my words, to maintain the facade of composure when, in truth, I am anything but composed.

Her blue eyes, those sparkling sapphires that have lingered in my mind every waking moment and infiltrated my dreams, search mine for something I'm not sure I can give. But the chains of duty weigh heavily on my soul, pulling me back from the brink of recklessness.

She stands cautiously, the water cascading off her in rivulets, a living sculpture of grace and strength. She's more than the sum of her captivity, more than an object to be auctioned to the highest bidder. She's fire and spirit, and I'm drawn to her like a moth to a flame, and the consequences be damned.

In this dance of hesitation and yearning, she makes a decision that tilts the world on its axis.

"Why don’t you join me?" Her voice is barely above a whisper, but it roars in my ears, a tempest unleashed.

My pulse quickens, desire within me. I stand there, watching the way the moonlight caresses her; desire takes hold of me.

"If you insist," I whisper into the warm night air as the want, the need, inside threatens to consume me.



He comes to a halt at the very edge. His piercing gaze fixated on me with an undeniable intensity that sent shivers down my spine. It's as if he has the power to peer into my mind and see the deepest parts of my being.

“Why do you hesitate?” I ask, worried he’s going to change his mind and leave me here.

My breath catches in my throat as his lips curl upwards ever so slightly, revealing glinting canines that glisten in the moonlight. The air seems charged with electricity as I watch him approach, heart racing and senses heightened. His presence is both alluring and unsettling, drawing me in like a moth to a flame.

"Are you sure?" his deep voice rumbles, holding a note of caution.

My heart pounds in my chest as I nod eagerly. "I am sure.’

In a silent, almost calculated gesture, he unbuttons his pants and lets them slide down his muscular thighs. My widened eyes take in the impressive sight before me: a thick, veiny dark elven cock that seems to almost glow in the dim light.

Its girth is otherworldly, with deep purplish veins pulsing along its length like rivers of desire. A rush of heat floods through my body as I struggle to maintain propriety and remember our contractual agreement. But the primal urge within me eclipses all rational thought, and I can feel myself giving in to the raw, carnal desires throbbing through my mind.

Our prior agreements and notions of ownership are quickly forgotten as I am consumed by this seductive creature standing before me.

A small smile. Equal parts seductive and menacing. His piercing, intense gaze locks onto mine as he approaches. My mind reels as I imagine taking him into my mouth, sucking on him like a street urchin. But that is not who I am...

I am a good girl.


He glides closer, an apparition illuminated by the moon's ethereal glow. In waves, his hair, a shining platinum reminiscent of otherworldly beings, cascades down his back. His bulk playfully brushes past me, sending a shiver down my spine. Cold or not, I can't seem to stop myself from swimming into him, wanting more contact with this hunky beast of a dark elf.

Our bodies move effortlessly through the water, each stroke bringing us closer together. Despite my attempts to resist, my eyes are drawn to him like a magnet, unable to tear themselves away from his enticing form.

In the moonlight, his muscles glisten and ripple, giving off an ethereal glow that seems almost otherworldly. "Quite a strange spot for a bath," he finally comments, his voice slicing through the serene stillness of the night like a sharp knife. My heart races at the sound of his voice, sending shivers down my spine as we continue our moonlight rendezvous in the tranquil waters.

I let out a casual shrug, trying to appear nonchalant. "I find solace in this place."

A deep chuckle rumbles through him, causing my skin to prickle with excitement and fear. "And why have you sought out a bath at such a late hour?"

"I needed some time alone," I say.

"Oh? Does something weigh on your mind?"

"It's just... everything is happening so quickly,” I confide, my body swimming in sync with his. “And I'm struggling to keep up."
