Page 56 of The Sins that Ruin

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A dark beat of fear that’s tangled with something wild and thrilling passes through me. The voices swell and fade, and I can’t stop my mind turning to two sets of hands on me, two men gazing at me, wanting me.

I’m helpless, whatever happens isn’t up to me, it’s up to them, and if I enjoy it then?—

Oh fuck. What’s happening to me? Why am I even thinking this? My clit throbs as the lewd fantasy loops through my tormented mind. I ache with the fullness and emptiness, both pulling at my senses until?—

“Red.” His voice stops the spiral up to the orgasm in its tracks, makes it tremble and shudder. That sensual voice holds the keys to all of my locks, and it can give or take pleasure.

“What are you doing, Red?”

His dark tones wash over me, lap at my skin, and I shiver. I could come just from hearing his voice, I could sink down into its depths and give over to every micro nuance swirling in it.

“You can’t break free.” His breath is warm as it bathes my skin from my throat to my nipple and down to my clit. “No matter how hard you try.”

And then he stops speaking. But he hasn’t left the room, he’s still here. He’s invaded the air, my cells, and even though he doesn’t make a sound, I can pinpoint the moment he finally does walk out on me.



I strain my ears to listen, but I’m too lost in myself, in the sensations coursing through my body, the rub of the ropes, the pull that never quite gives me relief when I manage to shift my hips, and when he finally returns—the air turns vibrant, electric—and I almost come.


He unbuckles the gag, but then before I can say another word, he puts on an open-mouthed one and my mouth is stretched wide, so I scream when cool liquid dribbles over me.

The smoke and bite of scotch fills the air. Waves of pure deliciousness ripple through me as his hot mouth assaults my skin. His devious tongue works the area just above my belly button, and the feathery strokes of his tongue set off a tsunami of orgasmic bliss.

“Don’t come.”

“I aaa heee iii,” I say, just meaningless, nonsensical sounds instead of the words ‘I can’t help it.’ And he laughs. The prick laughs.

My mind shatters when his fingers push into me, his tongue continuing to work its magic, and he somehow shifts the knot so it presses against that sensitive nub, and now I’m fighting against that thing I want and crave, the full release, not shivers or tiny tremors.

I want the entire building to collapse under the force of the orgasmic earthquake his mouth and hands are creating.

He works his fingers in me until I’m shaking as much as I can, my body giving in to small spasms.

Finally, he stops, but I know his special brand of torture isn’t over.

He loves edging. So brutal. So vicious. So fucking incredible.

“You taste fucking delicious, Scarlett, like forbidden honey. So sweet. So dangerous.”

He pulls away from me, one hand grazing the side of my face. I can’t see him, I can only feel him, and fuck, it’s erotic—the slow slide of his fingers, the way he leaves sparks of need in his wake, like the touch of his fingers leaves a glowing trail on my sensitized skin.

“I shouldn’t want you,” he murmurs, sliding fingers into my mouth. “You’re too proper, too innocent in the wrong ways. It’s almost… willful, like you don’t want to see what your father and uncle really are, what they do.”

He drops his hand so it strokes over my nipples. A cool brush of air against my skin follows when his hand moves away, and then something cold slips over my breast.

I scream as pain bites deep, red-hot, and then a numbing ache as my nipple’s trapped, being squeezed. Then the next one is captured the same way.

The knot on my clit moves and that same bite sears into me, and I can’t stop myself. I come, convulsing as much as the ropes allow.

It’s pain. Bliss. Everything’s upside down and inside out, and I’m so naked I think I’m just blood and bone and secret, filthy desires.

“But that’s how they raised you. You go through life thinking everything is bright and shiny because in your world, it is. You engage with others who are just like you, completely ignorant to troubles that others experience, free from pain or hardship. Life’s just handed you everything.”
