Page 57 of The Sins that Ruin

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I want to scream it isn’t true, even though it is, in a way. I’ve been handed things, I accept… I… The response keeps slipping because he keeps touching me, his hand working between my thighs, rising up over my slit, and now, closing around my throat.

He squeezes and blocks my air. I choke on a shocked gasp. My body goes into overdrive, and the swell of desire bursts up through the surface and I start to convulse again, the pleasure tinged with pain, and made sharper, better for it.

Then he lets me go and suddenly he’s there, on top of me, and the tip of his cock rests on my lips. He thrusts in.

I can’t close my mouth, all I can do is slide my tongue on his thick shaft as it invades, all the way down to the back of my throat.

He pulls back, then slams back in, over and over. I choke, desperate to pull in air. But I want more. I try to suck but I can’t. He hammers into my mouth, and the lack of breath makes me drool and sputter.

He thrusts over and over again until he pulls out. One by one, he removes the gag and clamps, and I scream out at the painful relief that floods my entire body and sets off a huge orgasm.

“Coming?” Malone mutters.

He pushes into me, thrusting hard, my orgasm spiraling so high. Tingles erupt in every cell, exploding every nerve ending until the euphoria swallows me whole.

“Fuck, you’re so tight.” He slams into me, over and over, jamming his fingers in my mouth until he comes hard in me, and the orgasm hits me all over again.

I wilt against the mattress like a rag doll when he collapses on top of me. The wild beat of his heart thrums against my chest for a few sweet moments before he rolls off me.

I immediately feel cold when his skin is no longer flush against mine.

He leaves me blindfolded as the shower runs, and every second he’s not with me feels like hours. When he comes back, he unties me slowly, reverently and he leads me, still blindfolded, to the bathroom. Hot needles of water on my bare skin set off a barrage of aftershocks through me.

Malone washes me while my head and heart spin out of control at what just happened to me and between us. When he’s done, he dries me off and sits me, naked, on the bed. “Do not touch that blindfold.”

He leaves and the room’s cold and empty without him there. The words from before he fucked me reverberate between my ears.

I’m still sitting there when he returns, my jumble of thoughts still a tangled mess.

Malone eases the blindfold off my eyes and tosses the wet silky material to the floor, a soft cloth in one hand as he dries my face.

“Who was here?” I ask.

Those green eyes slice down into my soul. My pulse hammers against my throat at the heat in his gaze. There’s something so unexpected about this beautiful man that I want to uncover it, touch the thing I see in his stare, the thing he tries to hide.

The thing that makes me want to understand him, no matter how much I say I don’t like him.

He’s a complex mess of a man, layered. Cold ice and scorching flames.


There are secrets there.

His eyes narrow and the curtain is drawn shut. “A colleague, someone with some information.”

“Who are you?”

“You know who and what I am,” he says, standing up from the bed before walking to the closet.

I stand on shaky legs, intending to go after him, but my knees buckle before I can take a step. Suddenly, he’s there, catching me before I fall.


“Christ, Scarlett, I’m the fucking man who saw the opportunity your family presented me with and I took it. I’m the man using you for my own fun.”

“You don’t need me to fit into the life you say you want.”

“Money doesn’t buy you that access,” he says, sitting me back down and returning to the closet. “Connections do. Connections like you.” He returns with some black clothes he hands to me, and I realize with a shock he’s in black, too. Head to toe. And he looks…
