Page 55 of The Sins that Ruin

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I trail my fingers down her legs and tie up her feet, binding them individually before hooking them to the ends of the bed after pulling out the little hidden straps there.

She’s secure now, her tummy fluttering and her cunt open and ready for invasion. But I don’t do a damn thing about it. I just run my fingers over her bare skin. When she whimpers, I stand back to admire my work and stroke my hard cock before picking up my drink.

I think I’ll drizzle her in the booze and lick it off her. I want to experience how she tastes. A mix of sweet and smoke, of peat and petal, of pure desire.

After pulling out my phone, I snap some pictures, turning up the volume so she can hear the clicking sound.

She’s vulnerable, at my mercy, and she knows it.

Without a word, I leave the bedroom and head for the outdoor balcony for a cigarette. I need to calm the fuck down because I need this to last.

I’m still in the living room, a cigarette between my lips when the doorbell rings.

With a sigh, I walk over to the intercom and press the button.

“Of course it’s you,” I bite out.



I can’t move, my entire being is a complete jumble of sensations, of needs, of emotions. And…

That bastard.

He left me.

Bound up like a sacrifice.

He is erotic torture personified.

The plug in my ass only makes the emptiness of my pussy bigger and deeper. If I could move, I’d find him and kick his ass. If I could speak, I’d scream the whole damn place down.

And I try. I do. But it’s just muffled sounds. Frustrated whimpers.

Malone, a man I hate, a man I want, a man I don’t trust except to maybe protect my family, left me like this.

Dangling right over the edge of orgasmic bliss. Tied up in frustrations.

It’s beyond cruel.

Fucking sadist.

Tears burn my eyes as my clit throbs against the knots of rope. I try to shift on the bed, to bring myself off the side of the mattress, but he’s tied me so tight I can’t move.

Where is he?

Who does this? Who the fuck strips a woman, edges her to orgasm, and puts a butt plug inside of her, only to tie her up and abandon her?

What if he never comes back?

A hysterical laugh bubbles up in my chest. Of course, he’ll be back. This is a power play, nothing more. And if I could just rub my thighs together, move on the bed to work the plug, maybe I could get off myself, and then…

I stop.

Everything in me goes completely, violently still. Just the hard thud of my heart and the rasp of my breath in the air.

And then, beyond that…
