Page 89 of The Sinner

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She had on the button-down I’d worn yesterday and had clasped the middle three buttons, letting the top fall open, which gave off hints of her tits, and the bottom reached her mid-thighs, teasing me with her beautiful legs.

“God, you look sexy in my clothes.” I took several dips down her body. “I didn’t know how you took your coffee, or I would have gotten it ready for you.”

She lifted the cup to her mouth and came over, leaning against the front of me. “I take it just like this.” She closed her eyes as she sipped and swallowed. “What are you feeding me?”

I gave her ass a light slap and went over to the fridge, inventorying what Klark, my family’s personal chef, had shopped and prepped. The meals that he’d prepared were in glass containers, the contents labeled and dated.

I looked at her over my shoulder. “I’m going to fry up some eggs and bacon, but tell me if any of these side dishes sound good to you—” My voice cut off when the tablet on the wall started ringing, notifying me that someone was at my gate. “One second. I need to get that.”

I hit several buttons on the tablet to pull up the camera feed. Multiple angles were captured of the gate and call box, each showing a van, commercially wrapped with a logo and phone number and social media icons.

“Yes?” I said into the speaker.

“This is LA Flowers and Gifts,” the driver replied, confirming the name on the van. “I have a delivery for Brady Spade.”

I couldn’t imagine who the hell would send me flowers or a gift from there. Maybe one of the guys was fucking around to be funny, knowing flowers would piss me off, or my assistant was being thoughtful since I was nearing the end of the Edinburgh closing.

I hit a button that opened the gate and said to Lily, “I’ll be right back.”

I went to the front door, waiting for the driver to pull up, and met him on the front steps, taking the long box out of his hand and locking the door behind me once I was back inside. I set the box on the counter and peeled the card off that had been taped.

“Flowers, huh?” She grinned from the other side of the counter.

“The guys are going to get a fucking earful from me?—”

A bolt of rage erupted inside my chest as I read what was written on the card. My hands crumpled the edges as my grip tightened. My lips sank around my teeth as a goddamn snarl came out.

“What the hell?!” I released an unhinged breath. “That bastard is fucking with the wrong motherfucker.”

“Brady?” She rushed to my side of the counter. “What’s wrong? What happened?” She pulled at my arm, but it didn’t move. “Who sent this?” When I didn’t reply, she continued, “What does the card say?”

I didn’t want to show her.

I didn’t want to scare her; she was already terrified about the situation with him—a man who had now been confirmed as David—and this would only make things worse.

But I had to say something.

Something that couldn’t be a fucking lie—that wasn’t who I was, and it wasn’t what she deserved.

“Lily …”

I held the card at my side, away from her line of sight because, shit, I didn’t know how to tell her.

“Brady?” As she stared at me, taking in my face and the fury I couldn’t hide in my expression, I could tell she was piecing it together.

Her entire demeanor changed with each second that passed.

Her shoulders rounded forward, her arms wrapped across her stomach, her body was sinking inward.

And on her face, the emotion, the fear, and the worry all returned.

“No.” Her hand went over her mouth, her eyes widening as she said, “Don’t tell me. Oh God, please don’t tell me.” Her head shook, her eyes beginning to well with tears. “It’s from David, isn’t it?”

Setting the card on the counter was the last thing I wanted. The thought of her seeing those goddamn words and getting instantly triggered made the rage in my chest come to a screaming boil.

That asshole had balls—I had to give him that.

But they were balls that I was going to fucking destroy.
