Page 90 of The Sinner

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This no longer involved just Lily and him. That had ended in Edinburgh the moment she became mine.

Now, this involved me.

“Please, Brady. Talk to me.” She paused. “Tell me.”

I lifted my hand from my side, glancing at the words again, my temper peaking.

My beautiful blue-eyed wife, you will always be mine …


“Brady, please …”

It took everything in me to point the card in her direction.

As I watched her scan his message, her face crumbling, her body shrinking, my heart fucking shattered. The first tear dripped down her cheek, and instead of wiping it away, I dropped the card and pulled her into my arms. My mouth pressed against the top of her head, and I held her tighter than I ever had before.

“Wife?” she cried. “Is he fucking serious?”

“This will never happen again—I promise you that.”

Her fingers dug into my bare back. “Why?” She sucked in more air. “Whhhy?”

I knew that wasn’t a response to my statement.

She was questioning why David had done this.

“Brady, he won’t stop. He’s never going to stop.” She pulled her face back to look at me. “He asked about you when he was texting me on the plane.” She swallowed, her voice getting choked up from her tears. “Somehow—and I have no idea how—he found out about you. I lied. I told him there was nothing between us just to avoid this. And yet it happened. He did this because he knows, and …” Her voice trailed off, like she couldn’t come to terms with what she was about to say.

I knew what those words were going to be and why she was shaking in fear.

She thought he was going to do something to me.

She was fucking wrong.

“He’s finished—do you hear me?”

Her head shook, her crying now amplified. “It’s not that easy.”

I’d met very few people in my life who couldn’t be touched.

I doubted he was one.

“I need you to tell me everything you know about this guy. The more information I have, the faster I’ll be able to demolish him?—”

“You can’t.” The loudness in her tone was gone. In its place was a voice so soft, just slightly above a whisper. “He’s untouchable.”

Now, I was really intrigued, and now, I needed some goddamn answers.

I gripped the back of her legs and lifted her onto the island, moving her thighs apart so I could stand between them. I kept my voice mellow and calm as I said, “Lily, I’ve given you time. I haven’t pressured you. I’ve waited patiently for you to tell me about him. But that time has passed. My patience is long gone. You need to tell me everything.”

Her hands covered her face, her neck dropping, the cries racking through her body.

Fuck me, I could barely take this.

I leaned into the side of her face, hugging my arms around her. “Nothing is going to happen to you, Lily. I’ve got you.”

“It’s not that.” Her hands slowly slid down until her face was fully revealed. “This is the reason I didn’t want us. Because of him. Because of what I knew he would do.” Her eyes squinted shut, causing more wetness to drip down her cheeks. “Because of what he did to Preston and he’s going to do it to you too.”
