Page 88 of The Sinner

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Ripples pummeled through her navel, and as each one passed, she yelled louder; she thrust against my face even harder, bucking, riding the orgasm out.

“Yes!” she cried. “Oh my God!”

As she was on her way down, I slowed my licks to laps, dragging my tongue across the whole length of her clit, transitioning things to a crawl until her breathing told me she was done.

I didn’t hide my smirk. “I’m not going to say I told you so.”

She let out a small laugh. “I’m terrified to tell you I truly don’t think I can come again after this—so you didn’t just hear me say it. Instead, you’re hearing me say that I’m positive I can come a hundred more times.”

I licked her off my mouth and gave her pussy a kiss.

A slow one.

A tender one.

A final one that soaked up the last of her wetness, holding it in my mouth, savoring it before I swallowed.

There was nothing in this world as sweet or addictive as Lily’s pussy.

I moaned as the last of her went down my throat, and I worked my way up her body until I was hovered over her. “Want some coffee?”

She folded her arms behind her head. “I realize you just ate your breakfast, but I didn’t.”

I chuckled. “Eggs?”

“And bacon and yes to coffee and all the other things too.”

“Let me see what I can cook up.” I gave her a light kiss before I went into the bathroom, washing my face and brushing my teeth, and headed into my closet to put on some shorts.

Lily sat up as I walked back into the bedroom. “You know what’s so funny? Ladies always talk about gray sweatpants and their obsession with men wearing them. But in my opinion, shorts are the new gray sweatpants.”

“I’m lost.”

She nodded toward my waist. “Mesh shorts are severely underrated.”

I scratched my bare chest, trying to process what she was saying. “Still lost here, Lily.”

“You know how a thong shows a woman’s butt cheeks?”

I nodded.

“Gray sweatpants and mesh shorts, like the ones you have on, show your whole package.”

“They what?” I glanced down to see what she was describing.

“I can see your crown and every delicious inch of your shaft.”

I tried craning my neck forward to get a better frontal view. “You’re fucking shitting me. I’m not even hard.”

“You don’t have to be. The material is lying right across your dick.” When I gazed back at her, she added, “I might have just changed my mind about not being able to come again.” She pointed at the door. “But breakfast first … before I die.”

I didn’t know what I was going to replace these shorts with and the thirty pairs I had just like them, but as soon as she left to check in to the hotel in Beverly Hills, they were all going in the trash.

“I’ll see you in the kitchen,” I told her.

I headed straight for the coffee maker, brewing two cups, and held the first mug, the contents black and bitter, up to my mouth to take a long sip. It was still early. I had plenty of time to fuck off for a little while before I needed to go to the office—something that had to happen at some point today so I could discuss the details of Edinburgh with the executive team. They were waiting for updates, and I’d been too preoccupied with Lily to fill them in.

“Mine?” she asked as she joined me in the kitchen, pointing at the mug still under the brewer.
