Page 87 of The Sinner

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His voice, that grumble, tore through me at the same time my orgasm shuddered through my core. It was right at that moment, when I was hanging at the top, the sparks erupting, that I felt him lose it.

“Yes!” I screamed as he twisted even harder, as the wetness turned thicker, telling me he was adding to it.

Filling me.

Just like he’d wanted.


“Your fucking cunt …” His movements still came in spikes, but not as fast. “I’m going to fucking fill you, Lily.” He pounded me several times. “Hell yeah!”

My muscles were quaking as I started my descent, little screams leaving my mouth, my fingers squeezing whatever was within them.

I was coming down from one hell of a high, and with that came quietness and stillness.

When he reached the same level as me, he gently pulled out and turned me around, capturing me in his arms. He held me on his lap as he took a seat on the ledge and propped me up against him.

“You ravished me tonight.” I was smiling, although I wasn’t sure how; I had nothing left in me.

“I wasn’t nice to her … was I?” He was rubbing the outside of my pussy, lightly tracing down to my entrance. “I can feel my cum dripping out of you.” He whistled as the air left his mouth, his head shaking. “This is the first time I’ve ever felt that, and, shit, I’ve got to say, it’s nothing like I expected.”


His lips nuzzled my ear. “Everything with you just keeps getting better.”



“Brady!” Lily screamed.

I glanced up from between her legs, where I’d been licking and sucking and fingering since I’d woken up a few minutes ago, and took in that gorgeous face. The way her mouth opened when she was getting close. How her head tilted back, lengthening her neck. How her legs clenched around me—whether it was my face or waist, she always tightened up.

Before we’d gone to bed last night, she’d told me she didn’t think she could come again for a long time. Because things hadn’t ended in the hot tub. I’d tasted her in the pool and again in the shower.

When my eyes had opened this morning, I’d decided to show her how wrong she was.

“Come on my face,” I told her. “I want to fucking taste it on my tongue.”

She was there—her clit was hardening, my finger was getting wetter as it dived in and out of her, her screams were heightening.

She just needed me to pop her past that edge.

I already knew her body like I’d spent the last ten years devouring it.

So, I knew that speed and pressure were exactly what she needed.

I gave it to her.

“Shit!” She tugged at the roots of my hair. “Ah!”

That sound, the feel of her body when an orgasm was rushing through it, the taste, the look on her face—it was everything I’d been waiting for.

Everything I fucking craved.

Within a few more licks and arches of my finger, she was shuddering.
