Page 86 of The Sinner

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Holy fuck!

Aside from my ass, there wasn’t a spot on my body that went untouched. The front of my pussy was stimulated by the power of the water, as though I were holding a vibrator against it; the inside was getting the friction it needed from his strokes.

“Brady …”

“Tell me. I want to hear it.”

Nothing I could say could describe this.

It wasn’t worthy of words.

I couldn’t even begin to formulate how I was feeling, so I breathed, “What is happening?” It was an honest question that I didn’t know the answer to. Because I’d never had this. I’d never even come close to anything like this. “Brady, fuck!”

“Do you want more?”

How was that even an option?

“You can do more?”

“Ask me for it, Lily …”

“Give me more?—”

Before I could get the whole sentence out, still curious what more would even look like, I quickly got my answer.

It came in the form of a pace. It was as if I’d wound him up and set him free, like he hadn’t exerted any energy until now. As fast as the water was streaming in front of me, he was matching the intensity. But it didn’t come just straight on, like the jet, he swiveled his hips.

He rocked.

He pumped.

And as my body began to reach that hard, overpowering crest, his moans told me he was as close as I was.

I looked over my shoulder. His gaze immediately found mine, and his eyelids narrowed, lips open and feral. The concentration and passion in his expression was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.

“Make me come, Brady.” I wrapped my fingers around the rough edge. “Make us come together.”

“Is that what you want?”

I murmured, “Yes.”

I didn’t think asking for more was even a possibility.

But he proved me wrong.

Whatever he’d been reserving, he gave it to me. His strokes changed. They were sharper. Needier. They went from tip to base, entrance to G-spot before I could even take a breath.

But that wasn’t all of it.

There was the jet that was massaging my pulsing clit.

“Oh fuck!” I shouted.

“Tell me you want me to come. I need to hear you say it.”

“Please,” I cried. “Come in me.” I then begged, “Brady, I need it.”
