Page 85 of The Sinner

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If I was meeting him in the middle or moving at all because my brain was no longer connected to my body.

In this moment, all I could do was accept.



“Oh! My! God!”

The ride was nearing the end, the momentum slowing, the pressure fading. The fullness lightening until it was only half the friction since his hand was gone, leaving just his dick.

Even the breath that swished across my face, whispering, “Lily,” was softening.

“I don’t know what you just did to me.” I sighed.

“But …”

I had to push the sexy aches away just to gather my thoughts. “But I want it again. And again.”

He smiled only inches from my face.

It was the kind of smile that told me I’d seen nothing yet.

Which I couldn’t fathom.

Because this was … this was more than anything I’d ever had.

“Mmm.” His lips moved to my neck, his hands on my breasts, pulling my nipples, rolling them between his fingers, veering me toward pain, but never taking it to that extreme. “It’s time for you to come again.”

Although he was still inside me, he wasn’t moving. It was as if he knew I needed the sensitivity to go away first.

“Which means it’s time for you to come,” I told him.

His exhale was animalistic, rough, and raspy. “Right inside your pussy.”

“I want that.” I narrowed my grip around his neck. “I want that now.”

He kissed me, delicately at first, like he was tasting, memorizing, learning me all over. That quickly switched to a tempo filled with need and desire. His hands caressed my back and sides, the top of my butt before he worked his way up, his thumbs soothing my nipples after he pulled them. The end of each of our breaths came out in a moan. And as he devoured my lips, he began to carefully move his hips, pulling back as far as his crown and sinking in.

“Oh, yes!” I gulped.

With each thrust, he went deeper.

He went harder.

He went faster.

And before I could even prepare my mind for what was happening inside my body, he flipped me around, gliding me across the water until I reached one of the corners of the tub.

“Hold on to the edge,” he demanded.

As I found the roundness he’d referred to and clung to it, the waves from the movement splashing over my fingers, he positioned himself behind me, between my legs, extending them around him so I was straddling him backward. He then aimed me higher against the wall of the Jacuzzi so the jet was positioned right over—“Oh!”—my clit.

“You like that?”


My voice cut off as he drove in, filling me.
