Page 7 of The Sinner

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“No nuts. Noted.”

“Not no nuts, just no nuts on anything.”

“I was beginning to worry you were going to kick me off the plane for having nuts.”

My eyes widened. “Mr. Spade!”

“On my ice cream. Did you think … oh, your mind went there.” He rolled a little onto his side. “Sounds like you’re flirting with me, Lily.”


His head nodded. “Never or just not right now?”

I set my arm on the wall of his pod. “Has anyone ever told you that you have this magical skill of getting people to do whatever you want?”

“If I was getting what I wanted, things would look very different than they do right now.”

“How so?”

A smile came across his face, one that I recognized because I’d worn a similar one when he told me how gorgeous I was. “We’d be sitting in a restaurant in the Old Town section of Edinburgh, sharing a bottle of wine, and you’d be telling me more stories from your years as a flight attendant.”

“Mr. Spade?—”

“You don’t have to decide now if you’d like to join me after this flight. We still have a few hours to go before we land.” He mashed his lips together. “But I want you to think about it.”



Unlike all the other women I’d been with, Lily didn’t give in easily.

In fact, she hadn’t given me an answer at all.

I liked that.

And I liked that every time she walked by my pod, she didn’t always connect eyes with me, as if she was trying to make me miss her stare.

The truth was, I did.

I needed this woman.

I needed her taste on my lips.

I needed to lick her until she smiled.

And the only way any of that was going to happen was if I told her exactly what was on my mind.

I waited until the plane landed, after the captain made his announcement, and when the first-class cabin began to depart, I walked over to her as she stood in the front of the galley.

“Mr. Spade, it was a pleasure to smile for you during this flight.”

I laughed—I couldn’t fucking help it.

“For the record, I held up my end of the deal,” I told her. “Zero flirting with anyone but you. How’d you do? Were there lots of other lucky bastards who got to see your smile?”

She shrugged. “I did my best.”

“I have another deal for you.”
