Page 8 of The Sinner

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Her arms crossed. “You always win, don’t you? You’re one of those.”


She swung her upper body, but her feet didn’t move. “Can you guess the type of woman I am?”

“That’s tough.” I adjusted my collar. “I’m going to go with one who’s my perfect match.”

“Clever, but you’re wrong. I’m the type who doesn’t win or lose. Because I don’t play.”

She could say anything she wanted.

Words held no weight.

Actions did.

And every expression that had come across her face, along with each second in which she held my gaze, told me Lily wanted me.

“I don’t need you to compete,” I said. “I just need you to say yes.”

“To wine in Old Town?”

Since it was getting louder behind me, I waved her closer. With her ear not far from my lips, her scent filling my nose, the smoothness of her skin in my direct line of sight, I said, “To spending your entire day off with me. I assume you’re free until you fly out tomorrow.”

She leaned back to look at me. “Your assumption is right, however, I’ve already made plans. This is my first time here. I’ve curated a list of the things I want to see. Why would I forgo those plans for you, Mr. Spade?”

“Museums? Castles?” I chuckled. “Come on. I’ll be giving you something much more memorable than those.”

“Oh?” She rubbed her lips together. “What would that be?”

“An orgasm. Well, multiple, if I’m really being honest.”

She filled her lungs quickly and deeply. “My God, you’re shameless.”

“Something tells me you like that about me.” I waited for her to argue and then added, “Do you want more of my honesty?” I paused again, her eyes answering when her voice didn’t. “I’ve been thinking about you this entire flight, dreaming of every way I want to make you come. My tongue, my fingers, my dick—I want to give you all of me.”

The color of her cheeks rivaled any previous time she had blushed on this flight.

“You want to go down on a woman you barely know?”

Out of all comments, she’d come back with that one.

Damn it, I really liked her.

“It’s not about wanting to, Lily. It’s about needing to. A desire so strong that I have to taste you. Have you ever experienced anything like that? Something you can’t move on from unless you have it?”

She pursed her lips. “But that’s it … just a taste?”

I was already dreaming about the flavor that would hit my fucking tongue the second I swiped it against her clit. “A taste that’s going to last all day and into the night.”

Her hand moved to her face and surrounded her chin, showing nails that were a light pink—a color far too angelic for a woman who gave me naughty vibes.

“And then what?” she asked. “We part ways? Two strangers going in opposite directions to never ever see each other again?”


I didn’t do relationships.

I didn’t exchange phone numbers.
