Page 36 of The Sinner

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“You have no idea what you’re saying.”

The innocence was pouring off her.

But so was the honesty.

“I’m not the kind of man who says something and doesn’t mean it. Words don’t scare me.” My palms ran down the doorframe. “Nothing scares me.”

She stared at me. Silently.

“Nothing …” she said in the softest voice.

It wasn’t a question; it was clearly a statement.

But I wasn’t in a place to have that conversation—not now, not when I was this worked up.

“Let’s not make this heavier than it needs to be,” I said. “It’s clear why I’m here and what I want. I’m not asking for anything more than that.”

“But, see, that’s the second reason I’m hiding my body from you.”

My eyes narrowed. “Explain.”

“You’re looking at me like the moment you get through the door, you’re going to strip off the little I have on, and I’m suddenly going to find myself in the air, against a wall, with you inside of me.”

My teeth rimmed the lip I’d just licked, my erection painfully stiff as I took a step forward. “And you’re telling me you don’t want that?”

A second passed.


And then three.

“Answer me, Lily.”



Only a minute ago, I had been on the phone with Aubrey, every hair on my body standing straight from the sound of the knock. A noise and visit I hadn’t expected.

Both terrified me.

I silently tiptoed to the door. When I reached the tiny peephole, I forced myself to suck in all the air I could hold and aimed my eye to the round opening.

Relief flooded me as I took in Brady’s face.

But had it?

Although he wasn’t who I’d expected, his presence came with a whole other set of problems.

After our conversation in the galley, I’d had a feeling he was going to approach me at some point during this trip. And as he was an owner of the hotel, I wasn’t shocked he had access to my room number. What shocked me was that he’d waited almost no time at all to come here.

But maybe that wasn’t shocking for a man, like him, who went after what he wanted.

Who wasn’t afraid of anything or anyone.

But was this what I wanted?

What I … semi-feared?
