Page 37 of The Sinner

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It would take every ounce of willpower, while staring at this breathtakingly gorgeous man, to stay strong. To stay hidden in the doorway. To say whatever statement I could conjure up that would make him walk away.

Not because I didn’t want him to touch me.

Because I knew it would be the worst thing for the both of us.

“Lily …”

The look on his face was hungry, feral, like he was about to pounce at any second.

It did things to my body.

Throbbing things.

Goose bump–like things.

Since the text had come through in the lobby, I’d been deep inside my head. Anxiety had been eating at me, to the point where the vodka didn’t help. Neither had the nap or the conversation with Aubrey.

Brady was the only thing—the only person—who had halted my thoughts in the past and calmed my nerves.

I’d lost myself in him.

“Lily …”

And why should I deny myself of that?

Edinburgh was one.

Tampa would be two.

And then there would never be a three.

Once my contract was up with the Daltons, when Aubrey returned from maternity leave, I would find a different job, somewhere else, that would keep me in the sky for as many hours as possible.

“Answer me …”

But if I could just have this night, the mental freedom that it would bring, that would carry me over.

The same way Scotland had.


“Yes.” I opened the door an inch. Then another inch. “Before you say anything else”—I swallowed as the bursts of electricity he was causing to flicker through me set my stomach on fire—“that yes was my answer.”

His hand lifted from the frame and slipped through the small opening. Half of it landed on my face. The other half was on my neck.

His grip was tight.

And then it tightened more.

“You’re giving yourself to me …”

Why are those words so incredibly sexy?

Why do they make me even wetter?

And why do they confirm that I made the right decision even if I could possibly regret it later?

“For the night, I am.”
