Page 35 of The Sinner

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I tried not to get hard from the quietness of her voice.

She clung to the edge of the wood, but didn’t open it any further. “This isn’t a good time.”

“Why?” My teeth clenched. “Because you’re not alone?”

Something else I hadn’t considered. For all I knew, one of the pilots could be in her bed.

That thought had my goddamn fingers driving into the doorframe.

“Because I was about to go to sleep … and I’m hardly wearing any clothes,” she replied.

An answer that made my grip loosen. But one that also made me do everything in my fucking power not to reach through the crack, open the door wider, and pull her into my arms.

Who was this woman? And what the hell was she doing to me?

Because wanting a chick twice had never happened before.

Yet this one had passed me up for six months; she hadn’t wanted me enough to reach out—a fact that fucking ate at me—and I still found her irresistible.

Something I couldn’t explain.

I just knew I couldn’t leave this doorway without her lips touching mine.

“Lily, are you forgetting I’ve devoured every fucking inch of your body?”

Her lips parted as she inhaled. “I could never forget.”

That reply, along with a few others she’d said on the plane, hit me hard.

“You were … perfect.”

“More perfect than I’ve ever experienced in my life.”

“I’ve never met anyone like you, Brady. No one has ever made me feel the way you did.”

“Then, you know you don’t have to hide your body from me,” I ordered.

“But I do. And there are two reasons for that.”

I leaned in a little further to get more of her scent. The tropical notes of the pineapple made me lick across my lips, wishing it were her wetness I was tasting. “What’s the first?”

“I told you, I’m not in a position for this.” Her head dropped. “My life is messy. Complicated.” She finally glanced up, the hurt in her eyes evident. “You shouldn’t want someone like me.”

Someone like … her?

From where I was standing, she was everything I fucking wanted.

That face.

That body.

The sweetness that went beyond her scent.

“Let me be the judge of that.”


“Lily, let me be the judge of that,” I repeated, the sternness thick in each word.
