Page 3 of The Sinner

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Fuck, I remembered that grin. I’d seen it in the airport when she was talking to another flight attendant.

It wasn’t just lips and teeth.

It was a mood.

A sensation.

And it triggered a pull, starting at the base of my stomach and lifting all the way to my chest.

When I’d seen it the first time, I’d questioned how an expression could make me feel that way, and now, it was doing it again.

“You want to hear something funny, Lily?”

“Always. I love to laugh.”

“I saw you in the airport before we boarded the flight. It was just a little more than a glimpse, but you made such an impression that I could recognize you anywhere, in any other location, in or out of your uniform.”

“Interesting.” She hesitated. “And what was I doing?”

“Nothing. But honestly, you wouldn’t have to be doing anything, and you’d still capture my attention. You have the kind of face that’s easy to stare at.”

She moved an invisible hair off her cheek. “I don’t know about that … but thank you.” Her hand cupped the side of my cube. “Tell me, did you see me before the baby almost threw up all over me or after?” She laughed. “It was quite a scene, so hopefully, you saw me pre-vomit face.”

I chuckled. “Fortunately, I missed the puking.”

“I wish I had missed it.” She sighed.

“Don’t tell me that happens often?”

She moved in a little closer, and when I went to fill my lungs again, I took a deeper whiff of the air, realizing what I’d smelled earlier was pineapple, like a piña colada.

Just when I thought she couldn’t get more perfect, she came in smelling like the tropics.

“Baby vomit? It happens enough. But not at the airport—usually, that occurs on the plane. You’d be blown away by some of the things I’ve seen on flights.”

“Share a good one with me.”

And just keep talking because, fuck, I can’t get enough of you.

She looked toward the galley, as though she was seeing if anyone wanted her, and glanced back at me. “Couples in the restroom together—that’s been popular this month.”

“The Mile-High Club.”

Her cheeks reddened. “And when they break the lock in the process and we have to ground the plane because we can’t get them out of the lavatory—yep, good times.”


She laughed. “Rule one: steer clear of the lock—am I right?”

“If they don’t know that, they shouldn’t be fucking on a plane.” I took in her beautiful lips. “Tell me another.”

“Hmm.” She rested her chin on the wall that her hand was holding. “Last week, we had a service dog flying with us. An eighty-pound golden retriever. Poor thing was terrified when we hit some heavy turbulence. He left his owner and came bolting to the galley, climbed onto my lap, and sat on top of me until the plane leveled out.”

“Lucky dog.”

Her smile widened. “I was flattered that he’d picked me to cuddle with. I just love animals.”

“I should have brought a dog with me, then.”
