Page 2 of The Sinner

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My stare bounced from her full lips to her nipples, so hard that I could see them poking into her shirt.

Damn it, she was a fucking dime.

She stopped at the entrance of my pod. “Mr. Spade, I thought you could use a refill.”

Hearing her say my name made my pre-cum bead at the tip of my dick.

She took my empty glass and replaced it with the one she was holding, her fingers clutched around the girth, like it was my cock. “Oh”—her hand covered her mouth when I turned my face, showing her that I was on the phone—“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were busy. Excuse me?—”

“What’s your name?”

She was trained to smile, but what came across her mouth wasn’t fake. It also wasn’t forced. I could tell we were mutually satisfied with what we were looking at.

This was going to be fun.



Oh. I liked that.

And I liked having only inches between us, the nearness giving me hints of her fruity scent.

I lifted the drink in the air, moving it toward my chest. “How about you come back in a few minutes, Lily, and bring me another one of these?”

In addition to her grin, she gave me a fluttering of her lashes before she walked away.

“Fuuuck,” I groaned to Dominick. “Things are about to turn around, my man.”

“You’re telling me you’re going to hit that mid-flight?”

I would have hit it in the airport, but she’d taken off before I had the opportunity to speak to her.

This was my second chance.

As Lily made her way toward the galley at the front of the plane, I watched her ass, admiring her cheeks that had just the right amount of padding and thickness. “Brother, I’m going to taste her before dinner is even served.”

“I don’t doubt that for a second. Have a safe flight, buddy. I’ll see you when you get back to LA.”

“You will,” I said and hung up.

I tucked my phone away and took out my laptop and headphones, prepping for takeoff and the long flight ahead. Had I been on the Spade jet, I would have had access to a queen-size bed and a private restroom, my own flight attendant and food that I’d ordered ahead of time, a series of courses I could eat whenever I desired rather than when it was served. Most of all, I would have had silence and privacy—things I was desperate for right now.

I put on my headphones.

But, shit, that didn’t even help because I could still see the people walking by and feel their eyes on me. Their stares strong enough to get me to glance up, this time meeting Lily’s stunning eyes.

She’d returned. Wasn’t that a pleasant surprise?

If I approved of anyone looking at me, it was her.

I pulled the cups off my ears. “Bringing me a refill?”

“And water, in case you’re in the mood for some.” She set a small bottle and the new glass next to the full one that was already on the table. “Can I get you anything else?”

“It’s like you already know me.”

“I try.” She smiled.
